Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Command-line execution

09/05/12 18:18:36 (12 years ago)



  • Command-line execution

    v2 v3  
    99=== Local execution === 
    11 Depending on the complexity of the code and the runtime requirements MUSCLE has different execution modes. In the simplest case, all the code can be run on a single machine, and no debugger or MPI is used. Use, for example, the SimpleExample provided with MUSCLE. This will write data from submodel w to submodel r. 
     11Depending on the complexity of the code and the runtime requirements MUSCLE has different execution modes. In the simplest case, all the code can be run on a single machine, and no debugger or MPI is used. Use, for example, the {{{SimpleExample.cxa.rb}}} provided with MUSCLE. This will write data from submodel w to submodel r. 
    1313muscle2 --cxa $MUSCLE_HOME/share/muscle/examples/cxa/SimpleExample.cxa.rb --main --all kernels 
    15 When we dissect this command line, it starts the with the cxa file it needs, {{{$MUSCLE_HOME/share/muscle/examples/cxa/SimpleExample.cxa.rb}}}. Then {{--main}} indicates that the current execution is the main execution site, more on that later. Finally, {{{--allkernels}}} indicates that all kernels specified in the cxa file should be executed at the same time. 
     15When we dissect this command line, it starts the with the cxa file it needs, {{{$MUSCLE_HOME/share/muscle/examples/cxa/SimpleExample.cxa.rb}}}. Then {{{--main}}} indicates that the current execution is the main execution site, more on that later. Finally, {{{--allkernels}}} indicates that all kernels specified in the cxa file should be executed at the same time. 
    1717For execution on a local computer this command should be sufficient. 
    1919=== Execution on multiple machines === 
    21 If multiple machines are needed to run the code, they need some way of locating each other. This is where the {{{--main}}} flag is used, it indicates that the simulation manager will be run on the current location. Suppose we are running the SimpleExample which is provided with MUSCLE, which has the submodels "w" and "r". Then If the machines all have access to one of the other machines, you can run 
     21If multiple machines are needed to run the code, they need some way of locating each other. This is where the {{{--main}}} flag is used, it indicates that the simulation manager will be run on the current location. Suppose we are running {{{SimpleExample.cxa.rb}}} which is provided with MUSCLE, which has the submodels "w" and "r". Then if the machines all have access to one of the other machines, you can run 
    2323muscle2 --main --cxa $MUSCLE_HOME/share/muscle/examples/cxa/SimpleExample.cxa.rb w