Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of List of examples

04/03/13 15:43:04 (12 years ago)



  • List of examples

    v2 v3  
    1111=== Simple Submodel === 
    13 The scenario of SimpleSubmodel is the same as the SimpleExample, but it uses the formal MUSCLE 2 Java API. 
     13The scenario of Simple Submodel is the same as the Simple Example, but it uses the formal MUSCLE 2 Java API. 
    1515=== Macro Micro === 
    17 The MacroMicro model has two submodels with formal implementation, in a typical loop that Macro Micro models typically exhibit: in its loop, macro initializes the micro model, and the micro model sends its final observation back to the macro model. The macro model continues iterating for as long as there is simulation time. 
     17The Macro Micro model has two submodels with formal implementation, in a typical loop that Macro Micro models typically exhibit: in its loop, macro initializes the micro model, and the micro model sends its final observation back to the macro model. The macro model continues iterating for as long as there is simulation time. 
    1919=== Terminals === 
    3535=== SimpleCpp2 === 
    37 The new MUSCLE 2 C++ API is used in SimpleCpp2, with CxA file {{{src/cxa/NativeExample2.cxa.rb}}}. It is the same scenario as the SimpleExample for the MUSCLE 2 Java API, but the sender is now a C++ submodel. 
     37The new MUSCLE 2 C++ API is used in SimpleCpp2, with CxA file {{{src/cxa/NativeExample2.cxa.rb}}}. It is the same scenario as the Simple Example for the MUSCLE 2 Java API, but the sender is now a C++ submodel. 
    3939=== Data Integrity === 
    41 To ensure the integrity of data sent over a range of connections, the DataIntegrity model sends random data with different data types back and forth in different submodels. If you are worried that a non-standard protocol or network mechanism is used, this is the model with which you can be sure that MUSCLE leaves your data intact. 
     41To ensure the integrity of data sent over a range of connections, the Data Integrity model sends random data with different data types back and forth in different submodels. If you are worried that a non-standard protocol or network mechanism is used, this is the model with which you can be sure that MUSCLE leaves your data intact. 
    4343=== Simple MPI ===