The MATLAB API of MUSCLE is a subset of the C++ API, the C++ API is again a subset of the Java API. Because the core of MUSCLE is written in Java, the runtime would start a new MATLAB instance that will communicate with Java code, but this is hidden in the API.
The MATLAB API allows sending and receiving basic data types and getting properties from the MUSCLE configuration file. Below are the available functions, which mirror their MUSCLE C API counterpart.
% Initialize MUSCLE environment muscleInit() % Cleanup MUSCLE environment muscleFinalize() % returns kernel name muscleKernelName() % return configuration file property value muscleGetProperty('propName') % check if property exists muscleHasProperty('prop_name') % test against the formal submodel termination condition muscleWillStop() % sends data muscleSend('entrance', array) % receives data data = muscleReceive('exit', data_type)
Due to mismatch between C and MATLAB datatypes, only a subset of the datatypes supported in the C API is available in the MATLAB API, namely:
- MUSCLE_DOUBLE - array of doubles
- MUSCLE_STRING - character string
- MUSCLE_INT32 - array of integers
- MUSCLE_BOOLEAN - array of logicals
In the MUSCLE configuration file, kernels should use the muscle.core.standalone.MatlabKernel class or its subclass as their implementation, and MatlabInstance as the CxA counterpart:
w ='w', 'my/matlab/script.m')
In the constructor, the Matlab executable and its arguments, the Java class, and script arguments can optionally be specified, in any order:
w ='w', 'my/matlab/script.m', matlab: '/opt/bin/matlab', matlab_args: '-matlab_arg1 -matlab_arg2', java_class: 'company.MyMatlabJavaInstance' args: 'param1 param2')
In the src/matlab/examples/simplematlab is an example of a kernel using the MATLAB API to send an array of doubles. This array is then received by the ConsoleWriter class, as specified in the configuration file src/cxa/SimpleMatlabExample.cxa.rb.
- The sender.m MATLAB script is as follows:
muscleInit() fprintf('Kernel Name = %s\n', muscleKernelName()) fprintf('has property "script"? = %d \n', muscleHasProperty('script')) fprintf('Property[script] = %s \n', muscleGetProperty('script')) fprintf('has property "not_existing"? = %d \n', muscleHasProperty('not_existing')) dataA = [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] muscleWillStop() while not( muscleWillStop() ) muscleSend('data', dataA) end muscleFinalize()
- A session using this script outputs the following (note that MATLAB is started to run the script):
Running both MUSCLE2 Simulation Manager and the Simulation === Running MUSCLE2 Simulation Manager === [15:32:59 muscle] Started the connection handler, listening on === Running MUSCLE2 Simulation === [15:33:00 muscle] Using directory </scratch/> [15:33:00 muscle] r: connecting... [15:33:00 muscle] Registered ID r [15:33:00 muscle] w: connecting... [15:33:00 muscle] Registered ID w [15:33:00 muscle] The conduit exit 'data@r' will use filter(s) [multiply_0.5]. [15:33:00 muscle] w conduit entrances (out): [data] w conduit exits (in): [] [15:33:00 muscle] w: executing [15:33:00 muscle] r conduit entrances (out): [] r conduit exits (in): [data] [15:33:00 muscle] r: executing [15:33:00 muscle] warning: MATLAB command variable 'matlab_command' for w not given. Using matlab. [15:33:00 muscle] warning: MATLAB arguments variable 'matlab_args' for w not given. Not using arguments. (15:33:00 w) Spawning standalone kernel: [matlab, -nosplash, -nodisplay, -r, addpath('/mnt/lustre/scratch/groups/plggmuscle/2.0/share/muscle/examples/simplematlab','/mnt/lustre/scratch/groups/plggmuscle/2.0/share/muscle/matlab/modules/'); try, sender, catch Ex, Error = Ex, ErrorReport = getReport(Ex, 'extended'), ErrorStack = Ex.stack, exit(4), end; exit] < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. R2013b ( 64-bit (glnxa64) August 13, 2013 To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit Kernel Name = w has property "script"? = 1 Property[script] = /mnt/lustre/scratch/groups/plggmuscle/2.0/share/muscle/examples/simplematlab/sender.m has property "not_existing"? = 0 dataA = 0 1 2 3 4 ans = 0 (15:33:12 r) got: 0.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 0.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 2.0 (15:33:12 r) (15:33:12 r) got: 0.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 0.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 2.0 (15:33:12 r) (15:33:12 r) got: 0.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 0.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 2.0 (15:33:12 r) (15:33:12 r) got: 0.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 0.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.0 (15:33:12 r) got: 1.5 (15:33:12 r) got: 2.0 (15:33:12 r) [15:33:12 muscle] r: finished [15:33:12 muscle] Deregistered r; will quit MUSCLE once 'w' has finished computation. (15:33:12 w) Program finished. (15:33:12 w) Command [matlab, -nosplash, -nodisplay, -r, addpath('/mnt/lustre/scratch/groups/plggmuscle/2.0/share/muscle/examples/simplematlab','/mnt/lustre/scratch/groups/plggmuscle/2.0/share/muscle/matlab/modules/'); try, sender, catch Ex, Error = Ex, ErrorReport = getReport(Ex, 'extended'), ErrorStack = Ex.stack, exit(4), end; exit] finished. [15:33:12 muscle] w: finished [15:33:12 muscle] All ID's have finished, quitting MUSCLE now. [15:33:12 muscle] All local submodels have finished; exiting. Executed in </scratch/>