| 41 | The PL-Grid e-infrastructure gives you access to reasonable computational power (> 230 Teraflops). You can use it both for production and test runs. If you want to debug/test your application interactively use `-I` option of the `qsub` command, e.g: |
| 42 | {{{ |
| 43 | [reef] /home/plgrid/plgmamonski/reef > qsub -I -q plgrid-testing |
| 44 | qsub: waiting for job 6742856.ce.reef.man.poznan.pl to start |
| 45 | qsub: job 6742856.ce.reef.man.poznan.pl ready |
| 46 | |
| 47 | [r399] /home/plgrid/plgmamonski/reef > |
| 48 | [r399] /home/plgrid/plgmamonski/reef > module load muscle2/devel |
| 49 | java/jdk1.6.0_23 load complete. |
| 50 | intel/10.1 load complete. |
| 51 | 'openmpi/current' load complete. |
| 52 | }}} |
| 53 | **Do not run anything computational intensive at the frontend/ui machine as your account might be banned!** |