180 | | |
| 180 | At first we need to create separate PIERNIK build for the MC kernel |
| 181 | {{{ |
| 182 | /setup -o mc mc_collisions_test -c gnufast -d HDF5,MUSCLE,MC_KERNEL |
| 183 | }}} |
| 184 | Please note that we use `-o mc` (use suffix for obj directory) and MC_KERNEL instead of MHD_KERNEL. This will create another build in `./obj_mc/piernik`. Now we are ready to add another kernel definition in the CxA file: |
| 185 | {{{ |
| 186 | cxa.add_kernel('mc', 'muscle.core.standalone.NativeKernel') |
| 187 | cxa.env["mc:command"] = "../obj_mc/piernik" |
| 188 | cxa.env["mc:dt"] = 1; |
| 189 | }}} |