39 | | |= Object |= Python data type |= C data type | |
40 | | | muscle.int | sequence of `int` | 32-bit `int` | |
41 | | | muscle.long | sequence of `int` | 64-bit `long` | |
42 | | | muscle.float | sequence of `double` | 32-bit `float` | |
43 | | | muscle.double | sequence of `double` | 64-bit `double` | |
44 | | | muscle.boolean | sequence of `bool` | `bool` | |
45 | | | muscle.raw | `bytearray` | `char *` | |
46 | | | muscle.string | `str` | `const char *` | |
47 | | |
| 39 | ||= Object ||= Python data type ||= C data type || |
| 40 | || muscle.int || sequence of `int` || 32-bit `int` || |
| 41 | || muscle.long || sequence of `int` || 64-bit `long` || |
| 42 | || muscle.float || sequence of `double` || 32-bit `float` || |
| 43 | || muscle.double || sequence of `double` || 64-bit `double` || |
| 44 | || muscle.boolean || sequence of `bool` || `bool` || |
| 45 | || muscle.raw || `bytearray` || `char *` || |
| 46 | || muscle.string || `str` || `const char *` || |