[[PageOutline]] = Introduction = The QCG-!SimpleClient is a basic client utility used to submit jobs to the QCG-Broker service (a [http://www.qoscosgrid.org QosCosGrid] meta-scheduler). Its job description format (QCG-Script) and command tools syntax were intentionally modelled after local batch systems "look && feel". Thus, the learning effort needed for a new users (that have some experience with local cluster systems) was very limited. The QCG-!SimpleClient allow you to submit MUSCLE job in the coherent way to any single PL-Grid site. Unfortunately current version of QCG-Script do not support description of more advance experiments like co-allocated (cross-cluster) simulations, workflows or parameter sweep. You need to use [[QCG-AdvancedClient]] instead. = User Interface Machine = Every cluster in PL-Grid can be accessed from the QCG UI machine: qcg.man.poznan.pl. You can log in there using your PL-Grid account: {{{ ssh plg[your-id]@qcg.man.poznan.pl }}} = Preparing credentials = 1. Copy your credentials (PKCS12 keystore) to the qcg machine: {{{ scp plg[your-id].p12 plg[your-id]@qcg.man.poznan.pl:~/ }}} 2. Create `~/.globus` directory {{{ mkdir ~/.globus }}} 3. Convert your credentials to the `.pem` format {{{ $ openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in usercred.p12 -out ~/.globus/userkey.pem $ openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in usercred.p12 -out ~/.globus/usercert.pem $ chmod 644 ~/.globus/usercert.pem $ chmod 400 ~/.globus/userkey.pem }}} = Submitting Simple Bash job = * Example job script: {{{ $cat hostname.qcg #cluster where to run a job #QCG host=zeus.cyfronet.pl #QCG output=output.txt #QCG error=error.txt /bin/hostname date sleep 30 date sleep 30 date }}} * job submission: {{{ $qcg-sub hostname.qcg https://elder6.man.poznan.pl:8443/qcg/services/ /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl UserDN = /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski ProxyLifetime = 23 Days 11 Hours 54 Minutes 8 Seconds jobId = J1349800941529__3789 }}} * list all your jobs: {{{ $qcg-list https://elder6.man.poznan.pl:8443/qcg/services/ /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl UserDN = /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski ProxyLifetime = 23 Days 11 Hours 53 Minutes 52 Seconds JOB IDENTIFIER TASK NOTE SUBMISSION TIME START TIME FINISH TIME STATUS HOSTNAME J1349800941529__3789 task 09.10.12 18:42 PENDING zeus Number of tasks: PENDING : 1 TOTAL: 1 }}} * get detailed job info: {{{ > qcg-info J1349800941529__3789 https://elder6.man.poznan.pl:8443/qcg/services/ /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl UserDN = /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski ProxyLifetime = 23 Days 11 Hours 52 Minutes 53 Seconds Note: TaskType: SINGLE SubmissionTime: Tue Oct 09 18:42:21 CEST 2012 FinishTime: ProxyLifetime: P23DT11H52M51S Status: RUNNING StatusDesc: StartTime: Tue Oct 09 18:42:21 CEST 2012 Allocation: HostName: zeus.cyfronet.pl ProcessesCount: 1 ProcessesGroupId: Status: RUNNING StatusDescription: SubmissionTime: Tue Oct 09 18:42:21 CEST 2012 FinishTime: LocalSubmissionTime: Tue Oct 09 18:42:24 CEST 2012 LocalStartTime: Tue Oct 09 18:42:54 CEST 2012 LocalFinishTime: }}} * peek job output when its running: {{{ $ qcg-peek J1349800941529__3789 https://elder6.man.poznan.pl:8443/qcg/services/ /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl UserDN = /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski ProxyLifetime = 23 Days 11 Hours 53 Minutes 14 Seconds n1-3-12.local Tue Oct 9 18:42:54 CEST 2012 }}} * when jobs is finished the outputs should be in the directory from where you submitted your job: {{{ $ cat output.txt n1-3-12.local Tue Oct 9 18:42:54 CEST 2012 Tue Oct 9 18:43:24 CEST 2012 Tue Oct 9 18:43:54 CEST 2012 }}} = MUSCLE job example = {{{ #QCG name=SimpleExamples #QCG host=zeus.cyfronet.pl #QCG walltime=PT14H #QCG stage-in-file=SimpleExample.cxa.rb #QCG application=muscle2 #QCG argument=SimpleExample.cxa.rb #QCG stage-out-dir=. -> results-${JOB_ID} #QCG output=output-${JOB_ID}.txt #QCG error=output-${JOB_ID}.txt }}} = Interactive jobs = With QCG it is possible to start an interactive session with any of the PL-Grid clusters. You can use it to compile your application or to perform some debug runs. Example script: {{{ #QCG host=reef.man.poznan.pl #QCG walltime=PT3H /bin/bash }}} Example interactive session: {{{ $ qcg-interactive interactive-reef.qcg https://qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl:8443/qcg/services/ /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl UserDN = /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski ProxyLifetime = 20 Days 2 Hours 28 Minutes 44 Seconds jobId = J1350912281097__5242 Press Ctrl-C to cancel the task Interactive session started. Use the 'exit' command to quit. [r473] /home/plgrid/plgmamonski/reef/J1350912281097__5242_task_1350912283206_133 > module load muscle2 plgrid/tools/java/jdk1.6.0_23 load complete. intel/10.1 load complete. 'plgrid/tools/openmpi/current' load complete. [r473] /home/plgrid/plgmamonski/reef/J1350912281097__5242_task_1350912283206_133 > muscle2 --cxa /home/plgrid-groups/plggmuscle/2.0/devel-debug/share/muscle/examples/cxa/SimpleExample.cxa.rb --main r w Running both MUSCLE2 Simulation Manager and the Simulation === Running MUSCLE2 Simulation Manager === ... }}} Other valid `#host` values: * zeus.cyfronet.pl (Cyfronet), * galera.task.gda.pl (TASK), * hydra.icm.edu.pl (ICM), * reef.man.poznan.pl (PSNC), * inula.man.poznan.pl (PSNC). = Further reading = * [http://apps.man.poznan.pl/trac/muscle/raw-attachment/wiki/QCG-SimpleClient/QCG-SimpleClient-CheatSheet.pdf QCG-SimpleClient Cheet Sheet Card]