= MUSCLE = [[Image(http://apps.man.poznan.pl/trac/muscle/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/muscle_overview_vertical.png?format=raw,nolink,align=right,margin-left=20)]] MUSCLE - Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment is a platform independent system to couple multiscale simulations. It provides the software framework to make multiscale models as defined by the [[http://www.mapper-project.eu/|MAPPER project]] or complex automata as defined in the [[http://www.complex-automata.org/|COAST project]]. The implemented generic coupling mechanism reduces common problems and facilitate the development of multiscale simulations consisting of a multitude of submodels. The resulting implementation allows the coupling of legacy as well as dedicated codes with only minor adjustments. Within the MAPPER, MUSCLE is beeing enhanced and adapted to the Grid infrastructures. The software that is hosted here was initially developed by Jan Hegewald as part of the COAST project. == Getting started == This website is divided into a * [[/downloads|Downloads section]] * [[Installation|Installation section]] * [[Documentation|Documentation section]] * [[Tutorials|Tutorial section]] == Contact == ''info at mapper-project dot eu''. From here we can subscribe you to a MUSCLE mailing list.