/* $Id: util.h 30 2011-11-18 14:37:04Z mmamonski $ */
* FedStage DRMAA utilities library
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 FedStage Systems
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* @file util.h
* Various functions.
# include
char *fsd_explode( const char *const *vector, char glue, int n );
void fsd_free_vector( char **vector );
char **fsd_copy_vector( const char *const * vector );
char *fsd_replace( char *input, const char *placeholder, const char *value );
char *fsd_strdup( const char *s );
char *fsd_strndup( const char *s, size_t n );
int fsd_atoi( const char *s );
bool *truncated,
char **p, char *end,
const char *fmt, ...
__attribute__(( format( printf, 4, 5 ) ));
bool *truncated,
char *str, size_t size,
const char *fmt, ...
__attribute__(( format( printf, 4, 5 ) ));
bool *truncated,
char *str, size_t size,
const char *fmt, va_list args
* Behaves like asprintf function from standard C library
* except any errors are marked in error context structure.
* It substitutes `%m` format string as in glibc
* (with `strerror(errno)`).
char *fsd_asprintf( const char *fmt, ... )
__attribute__(( format( __printf__, 1, 2 ) ));
* Behaves like vasprintf function from standard C library
* except any errors are marked in error context structure.
char *fsd_vasprintf( const char *fmt, va_list args );
* Implements GNU version of strerror_r function - thread-safe
* function returning message describing error code.
* From Linux Programmer's Manual:
* char *strerror_r(int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen);
* The GNU-specific strerror_r() returns a pointer to a string containing
* the error message. This may be either a pointer to a string that the
* function stores in buf, or a pointer to some (immutable) static string
* (in which case buf is unused). If the function stores a string in
* buf, then at most buflen bytes are stored (the string may be truncated
* if buflen is too small) and the string always includes a terminating
* null byte.
const char *
fsd_strerror_r( int errnum, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size );
char *
fsd_astrerror( int errnum, bool *malloced );
/** Retrievs current system timestamp. */
void fsd_get_time( struct timespec *ts );
/** Add delta to timestamp. */
void fsd_ts_add( struct timespec *a, const struct timespec *b );
* Compares two timestamps.
* @return Negative integer when a < b (a represents earlier timestamp),
* positive integer when a > b or 0 when timestamps are equal.
int fsd_ts_cmp( const struct timespec *a, const struct timespec *b );
* Reads file contents.
* @param filename Path to the file.
* @param must_exist Controls behaviour when file not exist
* (or is not readable). If set to \c true DRMAA_ERRNO_INTERNAL_ERROR
* is raised on such occasion. If set to \c false only
* \a content is set to \c NULL and no error is raised.
* @param content Filled with pointer to buffer with file contents
* or \c NULL when error is encoureged. Caller is responsible
* for free()'ing it.
* @param length Filled with length of \a content buffer.
const char *filename, bool must_exist,
char **content, size_t *length
* Gets path to current working directory.
* @return Path to process's current working directory
* in malloc'ed '\0' terminated buffer
* or \c NULL in case of error.
char *
* Returns signal name.
* @param signum Valid signal number.
const char *
fsd_strsignal( int signum );
* Gets next line from the file
* @return The next line of the file (dynamically allocated)
* or \c NULL on EOF.
char * fsd_readline(FILE *f);
#endif /* __DRMAA_UTILS__UTIL_H */