/* $Id: job.c 370 2010-11-16 09:51:00Z mamonski $ */ /* * FedStage DRMAA for PBS Pro * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 FedStage Systems * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] # ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((unused)) # endif = "$Id: job.c 370 2010-11-16 09:51:00Z mamonski $"; #endif static void pbsdrmaa_job_control( fsd_job_t *self, int action ); static void pbsdrmaa_job_update_status( fsd_job_t *self ); static void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing( fsd_job_t *self ); void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_standard( fsd_job_t *self ); void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_log_based( fsd_job_t *self ); static void pbsdrmaa_job_update( fsd_job_t *self, struct batch_status* ); fsd_job_t * pbsdrmaa_job_new( char *job_id ) { pbsdrmaa_job_t *self = (pbsdrmaa_job_t*)fsd_job_new( job_id ); fsd_realloc( self, 1, pbsdrmaa_job_t ); self->super.control = pbsdrmaa_job_control; self->super.update_status = pbsdrmaa_job_update_status; self->super.on_missing = pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing; self->update = pbsdrmaa_job_update; return (fsd_job_t*)self; } static void pbsdrmaa_job_control( fsd_job_t *self, int action ) { volatile bool conn_lock = false; pbsdrmaa_session_t *session = (pbsdrmaa_session_t*)self->session; const char *job_id = self->job_id; const char *apicall = NULL; int rc = PBSE_NONE; fsd_log_enter(( "({job_id=%s}, action=%d)", self->job_id, action )); TRY { int try_count; const int max_tries = 3; conn_lock = fsd_mutex_lock( &self->session->drm_connection_mutex ); /*TODO reconnect */ for( try_count=0; try_count < max_tries; try_count++ ) { switch( action ) { /* * We cannot know whether we did suspend job * in other way than remembering this inside DRMAA session. */ case DRMAA_CONTROL_SUSPEND: apicall = "pbs_sigjob"; rc = pbs_sigjob( session->pbs_conn, (char*)job_id, "SIGSTOP", NULL ); if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) self->flags |= FSD_JOB_SUSPENDED; break; case DRMAA_CONTROL_RESUME: apicall = "pbs_sigjob"; rc = pbs_sigjob( session->pbs_conn, (char*)job_id, "SIGCONT", NULL ); if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) self->flags &= ~FSD_JOB_SUSPENDED; break; case DRMAA_CONTROL_HOLD: apicall = "pbs_holdjob"; rc = pbs_holdjob( session->pbs_conn, (char*)job_id, USER_HOLD, NULL ); if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) self->flags |= FSD_JOB_HOLD; break; case DRMAA_CONTROL_RELEASE: apicall = "pbs_rlsjob"; rc = pbs_rlsjob( session->pbs_conn, (char*)job_id, USER_HOLD, NULL ); if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) self->flags &= FSD_JOB_HOLD; break; case DRMAA_CONTROL_TERMINATE: apicall = "pbs_deljob"; rc = pbs_deljob( session->pbs_conn, (char*)job_id, NULL ); /* Torque: * deldelay=N -- delay between SIGTERM and SIGKILL (default 0) */ if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) { self->flags &= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED_MASK; if( (self->flags & FSD_JOB_TERMINATED) == 0 ) self->flags |= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED | FSD_JOB_ABORTED; } break; } if( rc == PBSE_NONE ) break; else if( rc == PBSE_INTERNAL ) { /* * In PBS Pro pbs_sigjob raises internal server error (PBSE_INTERNAL) * when job just changed its state to running. */ fsd_log_debug(( "repeating request (%d of %d)", try_count+2, max_tries )); sleep( 1 ); } else pbsdrmaa_exc_raise_pbs( apicall ); } /* end for */ } FINALLY { if( conn_lock ) conn_lock = fsd_mutex_unlock( &self->session->drm_connection_mutex ); } END_TRY fsd_log_return(("")); } void pbsdrmaa_job_update_status( fsd_job_t *self ) { volatile bool conn_lock = false; struct batch_status *volatile status = NULL; pbsdrmaa_session_t *session = (pbsdrmaa_session_t*)self->session; fsd_log_enter(( "({job_id=%s})", self->job_id )); TRY { conn_lock = fsd_mutex_lock( &self->session->drm_connection_mutex ); retry: #ifdef PBS_PROFESSIONAL status = pbs_statjob( session->pbs_conn, self->job_id, NULL, NULL ); #else status = pbs_statjob( session->pbs_conn, self->job_id, session->status_attrl, NULL ); #endif fsd_log_info(( "pbs_statjob(fd=%d, job_id=%s, attribs={...}) =%p", session->pbs_conn, self->job_id, (void*)status )); if( status == NULL ) { #ifndef PBS_PROFESSIONAL fsd_log_error(("pbs_statjob error: %d, %s, %s", pbs_errno, pbse_to_txt(pbs_errno), pbs_strerror(pbs_errno))); #else fsd_log_error(("pbs_statjob error: %d, %s", pbs_errno, pbse_to_txt(pbs_errno))); #endif switch( pbs_errno ) { case PBSE_UNKJOBID: break; case PBSE_PROTOCOL: case PBSE_EXPIRED: if ( session->pbs_conn >= 0 ) pbs_disconnect( session->pbs_conn ); sleep(1); session->pbs_conn = pbs_connect( session->super.contact ); if( session->pbs_conn < 0 ) pbsdrmaa_exc_raise_pbs( "pbs_connect" ); else { fsd_log_error(("retry:")); goto retry; } default: pbsdrmaa_exc_raise_pbs( "pbs_statjob" ); break; case 0: /* ? */ fsd_exc_raise_code( FSD_ERRNO_INTERNAL_ERROR ); break; } } conn_lock = fsd_mutex_unlock( &self->session->drm_connection_mutex ); if( status != NULL ) { ((pbsdrmaa_job_t*)self)->update( self, status ); } else if( self->state < DRMAA_PS_DONE ) self->on_missing( self ); } FINALLY { if( conn_lock ) conn_lock = fsd_mutex_unlock( &self->session->drm_connection_mutex ); if( status != NULL ) pbs_statfree( status ); } END_TRY fsd_log_return(("")); } void pbsdrmaa_job_update( fsd_job_t *self, struct batch_status *status ) { struct attrl *attribs = status->attribs; struct attrl *i = NULL; char pbs_state = 0; int exit_status = -2; const char *cpu_usage = NULL; const char *mem_usage = NULL; const char *vmem_usage = NULL; const char *walltime = NULL; long unsigned int modify_time = 0; fsd_log_enter(( "({job_id=%s})", self->job_id )); #ifdef DEBUGGING pbsdrmaa_dump_attrl( attribs, NULL ); #endif fsd_assert( !strcmp( self->job_id, status->name ) ); for( i = attribs; i != NULL; i = i->next ) { int attr; attr = pbsdrmaa_pbs_attrib_by_name( i->name ); switch( attr ) { case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_JOB_STATE: pbs_state = i->value[0]; break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_EXIT_STATUS: exit_status = atoi( i->value ); break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_RESOURCES_USED: if( !strcmp( i->resource, "cput" ) ) cpu_usage = i->value; else if( !strcmp( i->resource, "mem" ) ) mem_usage = i->value; else if( !strcmp( i->resource, "vmem" ) ) vmem_usage = i->value; else if( !strcmp( i->resource, "walltime" ) ) walltime = i->value; break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_QUEUE: if (!self->queue) self->queue = fsd_strdup(i->value); break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_ACCOUNT_NAME: if (!self->project) self->project = fsd_strdup(i->value); break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_EXECUTION_HOST: if (!self->execution_hosts) { fsd_log_debug(("execution_hosts = %s", i->value)); self->execution_hosts = fsd_strdup(i->value); } break; case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_START_TIME: { long unsigned int start_time; if (self->start_time == 0 && sscanf(i->value, "%lu", &start_time) == 1) self->start_time = start_time; break; } case PBSDRMAA_ATTR_MTIME: if (sscanf(i->value, "%lu", &modify_time) != 1) modify_time = 0; break; } } if( pbs_state ) fsd_log_debug(( "pbs_state: %c", pbs_state )); if( exit_status != -2 ) { fsd_log_debug(( "exit_status: %d", exit_status )); self->exit_status = exit_status; } if(pbs_state){ switch( pbs_state ) { case 'C': /* Job is completed after having run. */ self->flags &= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED_MASK; self->flags |= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED; if (exit_status != -2) { /* has exit code */ if( self->exit_status == 0) self->state = DRMAA_PS_DONE; else self->state = DRMAA_PS_FAILED; } else { self->state = DRMAA_PS_FAILED; self->exit_status = -1; } self->end_time = modify_time; /* take last modify time as end time */ break; case 'E': /* Job is exiting after having run. - MM: ignore exiting state (transient state) - outputs might have not been transfered yet, MM2: mark job as running if current job status is undetermined - fix "ps after job was ripped" */ if (self->state == DRMAA_PS_UNDETERMINED) self->state = DRMAA_PS_RUNNING; break; case 'H': /* Job is held. */ self->state = DRMAA_PS_USER_ON_HOLD; self->flags |= FSD_JOB_HOLD; break; case 'Q': /* Job is queued, eligible to run or routed. */ case 'W': /* Job is waiting for its execution time to be reached. */ self->state = DRMAA_PS_QUEUED_ACTIVE; self->flags &= ~FSD_JOB_HOLD; break; case 'R': /* Job is running. */ case 'T': /* Job is being moved to new location (?). */ { if( self->flags & FSD_JOB_SUSPENDED ) self->state = DRMAA_PS_USER_SUSPENDED; else self->state = DRMAA_PS_RUNNING; break; } case 'S': /* (Unicos only) job is suspend. */ self->state = DRMAA_PS_SYSTEM_SUSPENDED; break; case 0: default: self->state = DRMAA_PS_UNDETERMINED; break; } } fsd_log_debug(( "job_ps: %s", drmaa_job_ps_to_str(self->state) )); { int hours, minutes, seconds; long mem; if( cpu_usage && sscanf( cpu_usage, "%d:%d:%d", &hours, &minutes, &seconds ) == 3 ) { self->cpu_usage = 60*( 60*hours + minutes ) + seconds; fsd_log_debug(( "cpu_usage: %s=%lds", cpu_usage, self->cpu_usage )); } if( mem_usage && sscanf( mem_usage, "%ldkb", &mem ) == 1 ) { self->mem_usage = 1024*mem; fsd_log_debug(( "mem_usage: %s=%ldB", mem_usage, self->mem_usage )); } if( vmem_usage && sscanf( vmem_usage, "%ldkb", &mem ) == 1 ) { self->vmem_usage = 1024*mem; fsd_log_debug(( "vmem_usage: %s=%ldB", vmem_usage, self->vmem_usage )); } if( walltime && sscanf( walltime, "%d:%d:%d", &hours, &minutes, &seconds ) == 3 ) { self->walltime = 60*( 60*hours + minutes ) + seconds; fsd_log_debug(( "walltime: %s=%lds", walltime, self->walltime )); } } } void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing( fsd_job_t *self ) { pbsdrmaa_session_t *pbssession = (pbsdrmaa_session_t*)self->session; if( pbssession->pbs_home == NULL ) pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_standard( self ); else pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_log_based( self ); } void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_standard( fsd_job_t *self ) { fsd_drmaa_session_t *session = self->session; unsigned missing_mask = 0; fsd_log_enter(( "({job_id=%s})", self->job_id )); fsd_log_warning(( "self %s missing from DRM queue", self->job_id )); switch( session->missing_jobs ) { case FSD_REVEAL_MISSING_JOBS: missing_mask = 0; break; case FSD_IGNORE_MISSING_JOBS: missing_mask = 0x73; break; case FSD_IGNORE_QUEUED_MISSING_JOBS: missing_mask = 0x13; break; } fsd_log_debug(( "last job_ps: %s (0x%02x); mask: 0x%02x", drmaa_job_ps_to_str(self->state), self->state, missing_mask )); if( self->state < DRMAA_PS_DONE && (self->state & ~missing_mask) ) fsd_exc_raise_fmt( FSD_ERRNO_INTERNAL_ERROR, "self %s missing from queue", self->job_id ); if( (self->flags & FSD_JOB_TERMINATED_MASK) == 0 ) { self->flags &= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED_MASK; self->flags |= FSD_JOB_TERMINATED; } if( (self->flags & FSD_JOB_ABORTED) == 0 && session->missing_jobs == FSD_IGNORE_MISSING_JOBS ) { /* assume everthing was ok */ self->state = DRMAA_PS_DONE; self->exit_status = 0; } else { /* job aborted */ self->state = DRMAA_PS_FAILED; self->exit_status = -1; } fsd_log_return(( "; job_ps=%s, exit_status=%d", drmaa_job_ps_to_str(self->state), self->exit_status )); } void pbsdrmaa_job_on_missing_log_based( fsd_job_t *self ) { fsd_drmaa_session_t *session = self->session; pbsdrmaa_log_reader_t *log_reader = NULL; fsd_log_enter(( "({job_id=%s})", self->job_id )); fsd_log_warning(( "self %s missing from DRM queue", self->job_id )); TRY { log_reader = pbsdrmaa_log_reader_new( session, self); log_reader->read_log( log_reader ); } FINALLY { pbsdrmaa_log_reader_destroy( log_reader ); } END_TRY fsd_log_return(( "; job_ps=%s, exit_status=%d", drmaa_job_ps_to_str(self->state), self->exit_status )); }