236 | | Fortunately since version 1.0.12 PBS DRMAA implements its own, complementary, mechanism. Before every job submission it check if the PBSDRMAA_SUBMIT_FILTER environment variable is set and executes a script pointed by it passing the |
237 | | job'a PBS attributes (`man pbs_job_attributes`). The script can echo, dismiss or alter any of the attribute. In case the submission process should be stopped the script should exit with non-zero status and print error message to stderr. |
| 236 | Fortunately since version 1.0.12 PBS DRMAA implements its own, complementary, mechanism. Before every job submission it checks if the PBSDRMAA_SUBMIT_FILTER environment variable is set and executes a script pointed by it passing the |
| 237 | job'a PBS attributes (`man pbs_job_attributes`) to the script stdin. The script can echo, dismiss or alter any of the attribute. In case the submission process should be stopped the script should exit with non-zero status and print error message to stderr. As an example: a `/bin/cat` command would be a no-operation submit filter. |