Version 2 (modified by mmamonski, 12 years ago) (diff)


The QCG-Computing service allows to map abstract application name to the absoluth path of the wrapper script. The mapping file is stored in file:


The file has the following syntax:


where VERSION can be an asterix (*) which means "any version". There is no need to restart the qcg-compd service after updating the file. Example application_mapfile file:

MATLAB * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/matlab.qcg
NAMD * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/namd.qcg
bash * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/bash.qcg
R * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/R.qcg
CFX * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/cfx.qcg
fluent * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/fluent.qcg
nwchem * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/nwchem.qcg
g09	* /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/g09.qcg
qcg-ompi * /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/qcg-openmpi/qcg-openmpi.qcg

The example scripts can be checkouted from our svn:

svn co

Please put the dir under location that is available from all worker nodes (e.g. /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/). Every script sources in the beginning its own, site specific, configuration file (e.g. matlab.qcg sources matlab.conf) which is responsible for initializing application environment (e.g. loading environment module, setting PATH). In the next sections we will shortly describe what should be provide in such file for every supported application: =bash.qcg= This application needs no configuration =matlab.qcg= In matlab.conf simply load matlab module:

module load matlab/current

Or set the PATH variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/exp_soft/matlab/bin/