QCG-Computing service daemon

usage: /usr/sbin/qcg-compd [-d] [-z config_file]

  -d              do not detach and log to stderr
  -D              do not detach and force logging at debug level to stderr
  -z config_file  configuration file, default is /etc/qcg/qcg-comp/qcg-compd.xml
  -v              print version information
  -h              print this help

QCG-Computing cmdline client

qcg-comp [common-options] (operation) [operation-args]

BES-Factory port usage:
  -c -J jsdl.xml [-r reservationUUID|-R reservation-epr.xml] [-A activity-epr.xml]
                                                        create activity, optionally save activity EPR to file
  -s [-x] (-a activityUUID|-A activity-epr.xml)         check status of the activity
  -g [-x] (-a activityUUID|-A activity-epr.xml)         get activity document
  -t (-a activityUUID|-A activity-epr.xml)              terminate activity
  -G                                                    get factory document

BES-Management port usage:
  -E                                                    enable submission
  -e                                                    disable submission

QCG-ARES port usage:
  -c -D ardl.xml [-R reservation-epr.xml]
                                                        create reservation, optionally save reservation EPR to file
  -s [-x] (-r reservationUUID|-R reservation-epr.xml)   check status of the reservation
  -g [-x] (-r reservationUUID|-R reservation-epr.xml)   get reservation document
  -t (-r reservationUUID|-R reservation-epr.xml)        terminate reservation
  -l                                                    list active reservations

  -x                                                    print extra information about activity/reservation

QCG-Staging port usage:
  -i (-j jsdl|-J jsdl.xml)                              stage files in
  -o (-j jsdl|-J jsdl.xml)                              stage files out
  -I directory                                          list files
  -U file                                               delete file or directory
  -T file                                               stat file
  -C file -m mode (octal representation)                change mode of file
  -K directory [-m mode (octal representation)]         create directory

QCG-Socks port usage:
  -P                                                    get connection token

Common options:

  -d              turn on full debugging
  -z config_file  configuration file, default is /etc/qcg/qcg-comp/qcg-comp.xml
  -v              print version information
  -u service-url  overrides service URL given in configuration file
  -h              print this help