= Migration to 3.0 = Version 3.0.0 of QCG-Notification introduced some major changes in files and configuration layout, namely: * the layout of the directories adheres now general packages guidances, i.e. service is not installed anymore in `/opt/plgrid` but in standard paths (whit a few minor exceptions): * configuration is now stored in `/etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/`, * logs can be found in `/var/log/qcg/qcg-ntf/`, * the services and client binaries can be found in `/usr/sbin/` and `/usr/bin` respectively. * the dependency to the qcg-dep package was removed (in place of qcg-dep we have now separate packages, of which qcg-loudmouth, qcg-curl and qcg-libxml2 are significant for qcg-ntf). This guide aims to help with migration from 2.X version. == Stop the service == {{{ /etc/init.d/qcg-ntfd stop }}} == Update the qcg-ntf packges == {{{ yum clean all yum update qcg-ntf }}} == Remove old dependencies (optional) == If no other package requires it (particularly the qcg-comp package in version < 3.0.0), remove the old dependency package: {{{ yum erase qcg-dep }}} == Update configuration file == Upon update the old configuration files should be stored as `.rpmsave files`. Instead of configuring the service from scratch its easier to copy old configuration files and modify just paths in order to adjust to the new directory layout: * archive and copy {{{ #save dist file for reference cp /etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.xml /etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.xml.dist #copy old configuration files cp /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.xml.rpmsave /etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.xml }}} * modify /etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.xml by replacing: {{{ /opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-core/modules/ /opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-ntf/modules/ ... /opt/plgrid/var/log/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.log INFO ... /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-ntf/topicns ... }}} * with: {{{ /usr/lib64/qcg-core/modules/ /usr/lib64/qcg-ntf/modules/ ... /var/log/qcg/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntfd.log INFO ... /etc/qcg/qcg-ntf/topicns ... }}} * now you are ready to start the service {{{ /etc/init.d/qcg-ntfd start }}}