Muscle Java API: muscle::core::kernel::Instance Class Reference

muscle::core::kernel::Instance Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for muscle::core::kernel::Instance:

muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance muscle::core::kernel::Module muscle::core::kernel::CAController muscle::core::kernel::Mapper muscle::core::kernel::Submodel muscle::core::standalone::NativeKernel muscle::core::kernel::FanInMapper< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::standalone::MPIKernel

List of all members.

Protected Member Functions

void addPortals ()
ConduitEntrance out (String outName)
ConduitExit in (String inName)

Protected Attributes

int operationsAllowed = SEND & RECV

Static Protected Attributes

static final int NONE = 0
static final int SEND = 1
static final int RECV = 2

Detailed Description

A generic MML instance.
Joris Borgdorff

Member Function Documentation

void muscle::core::kernel::Instance::addPortals (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Initialized all ports for you. If overridden, all ConduitCntrances and ConduitExits have to be added in this function.

Implements muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance.

Reimplemented in muscle::core::kernel::FanInMapper< T extends Serializable >, and muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable >.

ConduitEntrance muscle::core::kernel::Instance::out ( String  outName  )  [inline, protected]

Get the ConduitEntrance (or out-port) with a certain name.

outName name of the port or conduit entrance
IllegalArgumentException if the port is not defined in the MUSCLE CxA file.
IllegalStateException if called while not in a sending operator
a ConduitEntrance with the given name

ConduitExit muscle::core::kernel::Instance::in ( String  inName  )  [inline, protected]

Get the ConduitExit (or in-port) with a certain name.

inName name of the port or conduit exit
IllegalArgumentException if the port is not defined in the MUSCLE CxA file.
IllegalStateException if called while not in a receiving operator
a ConduitExit with the given name

Member Data Documentation

final int muscle::core::kernel::Instance::NONE = 0 [static, protected]

final int muscle::core::kernel::Instance::SEND = 1 [static, protected]

final int muscle::core::kernel::Instance::RECV = 2 [static, protected]

Determines which operations (SEND or RECV) may take place at a given time. This is enforced in the out() and in() functions.

Generated on Thu Oct 18 14:28:29 2012 for Muscle Java API by  doxygen 1.5.6