Muscle Java API: muscle::core::kernel::Mapper Class Reference

muscle::core::kernel::Mapper Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for muscle::core::kernel::Mapper:

muscle::core::kernel::Instance muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance muscle::core::kernel::Module muscle::core::kernel::FanInMapper< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Scale getScale ()

Protected Member Functions

final void execute ()
abstract void receiveAll ()
abstract void sendAll ()
boolean continueComputation ()
void init ()

Detailed Description

A mapper instance. Newly created mappers should inherit from this class.
Joris Borgdorff

Member Function Documentation

final void muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::execute (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Executes the standard mapper workflow. While continue computation: read all, perform mapping and write all.

Implements muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance.

abstract void muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::receiveAll (  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Read from all conduits.

Implemented in muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable >.

abstract void muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::sendAll (  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Write to all conduits.

Implemented in muscle::core::kernel::FanInMapper< T extends Serializable >.

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::continueComputation (  )  [inline, protected]

Whether the mapper should continue computation.

Reimplemented in muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable >.

Scale muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::getScale (  )  [inline]

SI Scale will be specified in the CxA file, not in MUSCLE. return the SI scale of a kernel
for a 1D kernel with dx=1meter and dt=1second this would e.g. be
javax.measure.DecimalMeasure<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> dt = javax.measure.DecimalMeasure.valueOf(new java.math.BigDecimal(1), javax.measure.unit.SI.SECOND);
javax.measure.DecimalMeasure<javax.measure.quantity.Length> dx = javax.measure.DecimalMeasure.valueOf(new java.math.BigDecimal(1), javax.measure.unit.SI.METER);
return new Scale(dt,dx); return null if the kernel is dimensionless

Reimplemented from muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance.

void muscle::core::kernel::Mapper::init (  )  [inline, protected]

Initialize the Mapper.

Generated on Thu Oct 18 14:28:29 2012 for Muscle Java API by  doxygen 1.5.6