Muscle Java API: muscle::core::kernel::Module Class Reference

muscle::core::kernel::Module Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for muscle::core::kernel::Module:

muscle::core::conduit::terminal::Terminal muscle::core::kernel::RawInstance muscle::core::conduit::terminal::Sink< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::kernel::Instance muscle::core::kernel::VoidKernel muscle::core::kernel::CAController muscle::core::kernel::Mapper muscle::core::kernel::Submodel muscle::core::standalone::NativeKernel muscle::core::kernel::FanInMapper< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::kernel::FanOutMapper< T extends Serializable > muscle::core::standalone::MPIKernel

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void beforeExecute ()
String getLocalName ()
boolean hasProperty (String name)
boolean hasInstanceProperty (String name)
boolean hasGlobalProperty (String name)
File getPathProperty (String name)
String getProperty (String name)
Object getRawProperty (String name)
int getIntProperty (String name)
double getDoubleProperty (String name)
boolean getBooleanProperty (String name)
File getGlobalPathProperty (String name)
String getGlobalProperty (String name)
int getGlobalIntProperty (String name)
double getGlobalDoubleProperty (String name)
boolean getGlobalBooleanProperty (String name)
String getTmpPath ()

Protected Attributes

String name = null

Detailed Description

Joris Borgdorff

Member Function Documentation

void muscle::core::kernel::Module::beforeExecute (  )  [inline]

String muscle::core::kernel::Module::getLocalName (  )  [inline]

Get the local name of the current kernel.

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Module::hasProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Module::hasInstanceProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Module::hasGlobalProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

File muscle::core::kernel::Module::getPathProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

String muscle::core::kernel::Module::getProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

Object muscle::core::kernel::Module::getRawProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

int muscle::core::kernel::Module::getIntProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

double muscle::core::kernel::Module::getDoubleProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Module::getBooleanProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

File muscle::core::kernel::Module::getGlobalPathProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

String muscle::core::kernel::Module::getGlobalProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

int muscle::core::kernel::Module::getGlobalIntProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

double muscle::core::kernel::Module::getGlobalDoubleProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

boolean muscle::core::kernel::Module::getGlobalBooleanProperty ( String  name  )  [inline]

String muscle::core::kernel::Module::getTmpPath (  )  [inline]

returns path to a tmp directory for this kernel
do not change signature! (used from native code)

Reimplemented in muscle::core::standalone::NativeKernel.

Member Data Documentation

String muscle::core::kernel::Module::name = null [protected]

Generated on Thu Oct 18 14:28:29 2012 for Muscle Java API by  doxygen 1.5.6