Muscle Java API: muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer Class Reference

muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

synchronized long reset ()
synchronized void pause ()
synchronized void unpause ()
synchronized boolean isPaused ()
synchronized long nanosec ()
synchronized long getBaseTime ()
synchronized void setTime (long time)

Detailed Description

Joris Borgdorff

Member Function Documentation

synchronized long muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::reset (  )  [inline]

Reset the timer and returns its current value. The timer will start running again immediately after calling reset.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized void muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::pause (  )  [inline]

Pause the timer. May be called multiple times. Has no effect on a paused timer.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized void muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::unpause (  )  [inline]

Remove the pause from a timer. Has no effect if the timer is running.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized boolean muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::isPaused (  )  [inline]

Whether the timer is paused.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized long muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::nanosec (  )  [inline]

The current time of the timer in nanoseconds.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized long muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::getBaseTime (  )  [inline]

Get the starting time of the timer, or the time of the last reset.

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

synchronized void muscle::util::SynchronizedTimer::setTime ( long  time  )  [inline]

Set the starting time to a certain value. If the timer was paused, it will no longer be paused

Reimplemented from muscle::util::Timer.

Generated on Thu Oct 18 14:28:29 2012 for Muscle Java API by  doxygen 1.5.6