Version 15 (modified by mmamonski, 14 years ago) (diff) |
PSNC DRMAA for Torque/PBS Pro
DRMAA for Torque/PBS Pro is implementation of Open Grid Forum DRMAA (Distributed Resource Management Application API) specification for submission and control jobs to PBS systems: Torque and PBS Professional. Using DRMAA, grid applications builders, portal developers and ISVs can use the same high-level API to link their software with different cluster/resource management systems.
This software also enables the integration of QCG-Computing with the underlying Torque/PBS Pro system for remote multi-user job submission and control over Web Services.
DRMAA for Torque/PBS Pro is distributed as a source package which can be downloaded directly from here or via the Downloads section.
SVN access
$ svn co
Please note the ./ and ./ scripts which calls the autotools command chain in appropriate order.
note: You need some developer tools to compile the svn version. Also the trunk version may not always compile.
To compile the library just go to main source directory and type::
$ ./configure [--prefix=/installation/directory] && make
If you had installed PBS in a non standard directory pass it in --with-pbs configure parameter. There are no unusual requirements for basic usage of library: ANSI C compiler and standard make should suffice (if linking against PBS Professional you will need also the OpenSSL library). If you have taken sources directly from SVN repository you would need additional developer tools. For further information regarding GNU build system see the INSTALL file.
For Torque it is advised to configure queues so jobs are leaved after the completion. To achieve this simply type the following command for all queues which are intended to use with PBS DRMAA::
# qmgr -c "set queue QUEUE_NAME keep_completed = 60"
or simply set is as the global server parameter:
# qmgr -c "set queue QUEUE_NAME keep_completed = 60"
The value of the keep_completed parameter denotes a number of seconds jobs will have to wait in the queue after the completion (and should be greater then pool_delay value in PBS DRMAA configuration). It enables the DRMAA library to retrieve the information about finished jobs.
Alternatively you can configure the DRMAA library to use Torque server daemon logs as information source for terminated jobs (consult next section for details)
During DRMAA session initialization (drmaa_init) library tries to read its configuration parameters from locations:
- PREFIX/etc/pbs_drmaa.conf,
- ~/.pbs_drmaa.conf
- and from file given in PBS_DRMAA_CONF environment variable (if set to non-empty string).
If multiple configuration sources are present then all configurations are merged with values from user-defined files taking precedence (in following order: PBS_DRMAA_CONF, ~/.pbs_drmaa.conf, PREFIX/etc/pbs_drmaa.conf).
Currently recognized configuration parameters are:
- pool_delay
- Amount of time (in seconds) between successive checks of unfinished job(s).
Type: integer, Default: 5
- wait_thread
- Value 1 enables single "wait thread" for updating jobs status. With pbs_home set enables wait_thread which reads PBS log files (instead of polling PBS daemons). Type: integer, Default: 0
- pbs_home
- Path to Torque/PBS Pro spool directory that contains server logs (e.g.: /var/spool/pbs). Type: string, Default: not set
- job_categories
- Dictionary of job categories. It's keys are job categories names mapped to native specification_ strings. Attributes set by job category can be overridden by corresponding DRMAA attributes or native specification. Special category name default is used when drmaa_job_category job attribute was not set.
- cache_job_state
- According to the DRMAA specification every drmaa_job_ps() call should query DRM system for job state. With this option one may optimize communication with DRM. If set to positive integer drmaa_job_ps() returns remembered job state without communicating with DRM for cache_job_state seconds since last update. By default library conforms to specification (no caching will be performed).
Type: integer, default: 0
Different modes of operation
wait_thread | pbs_home | mode | keep_completed needed | comments |
0 | not set | polling | yes | default configuration |
1 | not set | polling | yes | more effective than above |
1 | set | triggered | no | read access to server logs needed |
Configuration file syntax
Configuration file is in form a dictionary. Dictionary is set of zero or more key-value pairs. Key is a string while value could be a string, an integer or another dictionary.
configuration: dictionary | dictionary_body dictionary: '{' dictionary_body '}' dictionary_body: (string ':' value ',')* value: integer | string | dictionary string: unquoted-string | single-quoted-string | double-quoted-string unquoted-string: [^ \t\n\r:,0-9][^ \t\n\r:,]* single-quoted-string: '[^']*' double-quoted-string: "[^"]*" integer: [0-9]+
Configuration file example
# pbs_drmaa.conf - Sample pbs_drmaa configuration file. wait_thread: 0, #pool_delay: 5, job_categories: { #default: "-k n", # delete output files from execution hosts longterm: "-p -100 -l nice=5", amd64: "-l arch=amd64", python: "-l software=python", java: "-l software=java,vmem=500mb -v PATH=/opt/sun-jdk-1.6:/usr/bin:/bin", #test: "-u test -q testing", },
Native specification
DRMAA interface allows to pass DRM dependant job submission options. Those options may be specified by settings drmaa_native_specification. drmaa_native_specification accepts space delimited qsub. qsub options which does not set job attributes (-b, -z, -C) as well as meant for submission of interactive jobs (-I, -X) or to specify directories (-d, -D) are *not* supported. Also instead of -W option following long options are accepted within native specification: --depend, --group-list, --stagein and --stageout. For detailed description of each option see PBS documentation.
Attributes set in native specification overrides corresponding DRMAA job attributes.
Native specification strings with corresponding DRMAA attributes.
DRMAA attribute | PBS attribute | PBS resource native specification |
Attributes which get overridden | ||
drmaa_job_name | Job_Name | -N job name |
drmaa_output_path | Output_Path | -o output path |
drmaa_error_path | Error_Path | -e error path |
drmaa_join_files | Join_Path | -j join options |
drmaa_block_email | Mail_Points | -m mail options |
drmaa_start_time | Execution_Time | -a start time |
drmaa_js_state | Hold_Types | -h |
.. | Account_Name | -A account string |
.. | Checkpoint | -c interval |
.. | Keep_Files | -k keep |
.. | Priority | -p priority |
.. | destination | -q queue |
.. | Rerunable | -r y/n |
.. | Shell_Path_List | -S path list |
.. | User_List | -u user list |
.. | group_list | --group_list=\groups |
drmaa_v_env | Variable_List | -v variable list |
.. | Variable_List | -V |
drmaa_v_email | Mail_Users | -M user list |
drmaa_duration_hlimit | Resource_List cput | -l cput=\limit |
drmaa_wct_hlimit | Resource_List walltime | -l walltime=\limit |
.. | Resource_List | -l resources |
Release notes
Changes in 1.0.5 release
- make drmaa tolerant to torque restarts
- now one can use '-lmem' in native specification attribute
Changes in 1.0.4 release
- fix "mtime" date parsing ('triggered' mode)
- fix "submit_args" attribute bug (PBS Professional only)
Changes in 1.0.3 release
- new implementation of the "wait thread" which reads PBS log files (increased scalability)
- support for native specification attribute
- memleak fixes
- testsuite passed on PBS Pro 10
- exit codes 126-127 cause the drmaa_wifaborted() to return true
- other bug fixes
Changes in 1.0.2 release
- automatic reconnect on PBS connection errors
- static linkage with DRMAA utilities
- other bug fixes
Changes in 1.0.1 release
- number of attributes implemented:
- drmaa_start_time
- drmaa_duration_hlimit
- drmaa_wct_hlimit
- drmaa_native_specification
- drmaa_job_category
- configuration file(s)
- separate wait thread
- lot of bug fixes
- more robust code
- separated DRMAA utilities library
- Python driven test-suite
Known bugs and limitations
Library covers nearly all DRMAA 1.0 specification_ with exceptions listed below. It passes the official DRMAA test-suite_ except of tests which require job termination status. All mandatory and some optional job attributes (namely: transfer files, wall clock time hard limit, job run duration hard limit) are implemented.
Known limitations imposed by PBS API:
- With PBS Pro_ (and OpenPBS_) retrieving of job termination status is impossible. For this DRM finished jobs are marked as done with 0 return code unless job was terminated through library when they are treated as aborted and killed after receiving SIGTERM.
- Library accepts job identifiers only of those jobs which were submitted under current session (specification says it should also accept job identifiers from previous sessions and even of jobs submitted in former execution of DRMAA enabled application). This could only be partially fixed as job state needs to be kept by library in order to cope with PBS shortcomings.
- Job termination (when job is running) is realized by PBS by sending SIGTERM and/or SIGKILL therefore retrieving those signals cannot be distinguished from abort using drmaa_control(DRMAA_CONTROL_TERMINATE). Then job termination state is marked as "aborted" and "signaled" whatever is the state.
- drmaa_wcoredump() always returns false.
- Waiting functions (drmaa_wait() and drmaa_synchronize()) must pool DRM to find out whether job finished.
Developer tools
Although not needed for library user the following tools may be required if you intend to develop PSNC DRMAA for Torque/PBS Pro:
- GNU autotools autoconf (tested with version 2.67) automake (tested with version 1.11) libtool (tested with version 2.2.8) m4 (tested with version 1.4.14)
- Bison parser generator,
- RAGEL State Machine Compiler,
- gperf gperf - a perfect hash function generator.
Open Grid Forum:
DRMAA 1.0 specification:
Official DRMAA test-suite:
Smoa Computing: