Version 151 (modified by mmamonski, 12 years ago) (diff)



QCG-Computing service (the successor of the OpenDSP project) is an open source service acting as a computing provider exposing on demand access to computing resources and jobs over the HPC Basic Profile compliant Web Services interface. In addition the QCG-Computing offers remote interface for Advance Reservations management.

This document describes installation of the QCG-Computing service in the PL-Grid environment. The service should be deployed on the machine (or virtual machine) that:

  • has at least 1GB of memory (recommended value: 2 GB)
  • has 10 GB of free disk space (most of the space will be used by the log files)
  • has any modern CPU (if you plan to use virtual machine you should dedicated to it one or two cores from the host machine)
  • is running under Scientific Linux 5.5 (in most cases the provided RPMs should work with any operating system based on Redhat Enterpise Linux 5.x, e.g. CentOS 5)


We assume that you have the Torque local resource manager and the Maui scheduler already installed. This would be typically a frontend machine (i.e. machine where the pbs_server and maui daemons are running). If you want to install the QCG-Computing service on a separate submit host you should read this notes.

Since version 2.4 the QCG-Computing services discovers installed application using the  Environment Modules package. For this reason you should install modules at the qcg host and mount directories that contain all module files used at your cluster and make sure that user qcg-comp can see all modules.

The QosCosGrid services do not require from you to install any QCG component on the worker nodes, however application wrapper scripts need the following software to be available on worker nodes:

  • bash,
  • rsync,
  • zip/unzip,
  • dos2unix,
  • nc,
  • python.

Which are usually available out of the box on most of the HPC systems.

Firewall configuration

In order to expose the QosCosGrid services externally you need to open the following incoming ports in the firewall:

  • 19000 (TCP) - QCG-Computing
  • 19001 (TCP) - QCG-Notification
  • 2811 (TCP) - GridFTP server
  • 9000-9500 (TCP) - GridFTP port-range (if you want to use different port-range adjust the GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE variable in the /etc/xinetd.d/gsiftp file)

You may also want to allow SSH access from white-listed machines (for administration purpose only).

The following outgoing trafic should be allowed in general:

  • NTP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS services
  • gridftp (TCP ports: 2811 and port-ranges: 9000-9500, 20000-25000)

Also the PL-Grid QCG-Accounting publisher plugin (BAT) need access the following port and machine:

  • 61616 (TCP)

Related software

  • Install database backend (PostgresSQL):
    yum install postgresql postgresql-server
  • UnixODBC and the PostgresSQL odbc driver:
    yum install unixODBC postgresql-odbc
  • Torque devel package and the rpmbuild package (needed to build DRMAA):
    rpm -i torque-devel-your-version.rpm
    yum install rpm-build

The X.509 host certificate (signed by the Polish Grid CA) and key is already installed in the following locations:

  • /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
  • /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

Most of the grid services and security infrastructures are sensitive to time skews. Thus we recommended to install a Network Time Protocol daemon or use any other solution that provides accurate clock synchronization.

Installation using provided RPMS

  • Create the following users:
    • qcg-comp - needed by the QCG-Computing service
    • qcg-broker - the user that the  QCG-Broker service would be mapped to
  • The users must be also created (and having the same uid) on the batch server machine (but not necessarily the worker nodes).
    useradd -r -d /opt/plgrid/var/log/qcg-comp/  qcg-comp 
    useradd -r -d /opt/plgrid/var/log/qcg-broker/  qcg-broker  
  • and the following group:
    • qcg-dev - this group is allowed to read the configuration and log files. Please add the qcg services' developers to this group.
      groupadd -r qcg-dev
  • install QCG (testing) and PL-Grid (official) repositories:
    • Official PL-Grid repository
      rpm -Uvh
    • QosCosGrid testing repository (latest version, including new features and latest bug fixes, but may be unstable)
      cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/qcg.repo << EOF
      name=QosCosGrid YUM repository
  • install QCG-Computing using YUM Package Manager:
    yum install qcg-comp
    yum install qcg-comp-client
  • install grid-ftp server using YUM Package Manager:
    yum install qcg-dep-gridftp-server
  • setup QCG-Computing database using provided script:
    Welcome to qcg-comp installation script!
    This script will guide you through process of configuring proper environment
    for running the QCG-Computing service. You have to answer few questions regarding
    parameters of your database. If you are not sure just press Enter and use the
    default values.
    Use local PostgreSQL server? (y/n) [y]: y
    Database [qcg-comp]: 
    User [qcg-comp]: 
    Password [qcg-comp]: MojeTajneHaslo
    Create database? (y/n) [y]: y
    Create user? (y/n) [y]: y
    Checking for system user qcg-comp...OK
    Checking whether PostgreSQL server is installed...OK
    Checking whether PostgreSQL server is running...OK
    Performing installation
    * Creating user qcg-comp...OK
    * Creating database qcg-comp...OK
    * Creating database schema...OK
    * Checking for ODBC data source qcg-comp...
    * Installing ODBC data source...OK
    Remember to add appropriate entry to /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (as the first rule!) to allow user qcg-comp to
    access database qcg-comp. For instance:
    host    qcg-comp       qcg-comp    md5
    and reload Postgres server.

Add a new rule to the pg_hba.conf as requested:

vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf 
/etc/init.d/postgresql reload

Install EGI Accepted CA certificates (this also install the Polish Grid CA):

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum clean all
yum install ca-policy-egi-core

The above instructions were based on this  manual

Install PL-Grid Simpla-CA certificate (not part of IGTF):

rpm -i ca_PLGRID-SimpleCA-1.0-2.noarch.rpm 
#install certificate revocation list fetching utility
rpm -i fetch-crl-2.8.5-1.noarch.rpm
#get fresh CRLs now
#install cron job for it
cat > /etc/cron.daily/fetch-crl.cron << EOF
chmod a+x /etc/cron.daily/fetch-crl.cron

The Grid Mapfile

This tutorial assumes that the QCG-Computing service is configured in such way, that every authenticated user must be authorized against the grid-mapfile. This file can be created manually by an administrator (if the service is run in "test mode") or generated automatically based on the LDAP directory service.

Manually created grid mapfile (for testing purpose only)

#for test purpose only add mapping for your account
echo '"MyCertDN" myaccount' >> /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile

LDAP generated grid mapfile (PL-Grid only)

# 1. install qcg grid-mapfile generator
yum install qcg-gridmapfilegenerator
# 2.  configure gridmapfilegenerator - remember to change 
# * url property to your local ldap replica
# * search base
# * filter expression
# * security context
vim  /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/plggridmapfilegenerator.conf 
# 3. run the gridmapfile generator in order to generate gridmapfile now

After installing and running this tool one can find three files:

  • /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.local - here you can put list of DN and local unix accounts name that will be merged with data acquired from local LDAP server
  • /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.deny - here you can put list od DN's (only DNs!) that you want to deny access to the QCG-Computing service
  • /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile - the final gridmap file generated using the above two files and information available in local LDAP server. Do not edit this file as it is generated automatically!

This gridmapfile generator script is run every 10 minutes. Moreover its issues su - $USERNAME -c 'true' > /dev/null for every new user that do not have yet home directory (thus triggering pam_mkhomedir if installed).

At the end add mapping in the grid-mapfile.local for the purpose of QCG-Broker.

"/C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/" qcg-broker

Scheduler configuration


Add appropriate rights for the qcg-comp and qcg-broker users in the Maui scheduler configuaration file:

vim /var/spool/maui/maui.cfg
# primary admin must be first in list
ADMIN1                root
ADMIN2                qcg-broker
ADMIN3                qcg-comp


The QCG-Broker certificate should be mapped on the SLURM user that is authorized to create advance reservation.

Service certificates

Copy the service certificate and key into the /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/. Remember to set appropriate rights to the key file.

cp /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/qcgcert.pem
cp /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/qcgkey.pem
chown qcg-comp /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/qcgcert.pem
chown qcg-comp /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/qcgkey.pem 
chmod 0600 /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/certs/qcgkey.pem

DRMAA library

Torque/PBS Professional

Install via YUM repository:

yum install pbs-drmaa #Torque
yum install pbspro-drmaa #PBS Proffesional

Alternatively compile DRMAA using source package downloaded from  SourceForge.

After installation you need either:

  • configure the DRMAA library to use Torque logs (RECOMMENDED). Sample configuration file of the DRMAA library (/opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/pbs_drmaa.conf):
    # pbs_drmaa.conf - Sample pbs_drmaa configuration file.
    wait_thread: 1,
    pbs_home: "/var/spool/pbs",
    cache_job_state: 600,
    Note: Remember to mount server log directory as described in the eariler note.


  • configure Torque to keep information about completed jobs (e.g.: by setting: qmgr -c 'set server keep_completed = 300'). If running in such configuration try to provide more resources (e.g. two cores instead of one) for the VM that hosts the service. Moreover tune the DRMAA configuration in order to throttle polling rate:
    wait_thread: 1,
    cache_job_state: 60,
    pool_delay: 60,

It is possible to set the default queue by setting default job category (in the /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/pbs_drmaa.conf file):

job_categories: {
      default: "-q plgrid",


Install DRMAA for SLURM using source package available at  SLURM DRMAA home page

Service configuration

Edit the preinstalled service configuration file (/opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/qcg-compd.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <sm:Service xsi:type="qcg-compd" description="QCG-Computing">
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:ecm_gsoap.service">
                                   <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:atc_transport_gsi.service">
                                   <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:atz_mapfile">
                            <sm:Module xsi:type="smc:qcg-comp-service"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="pbs_jsdl_filter"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="atz_ardl_filter"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:general_python" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-comp/modules/python/"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:general_python" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-comp/modules/python/"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:general_python" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-comp/modules/python/"/>

                        <sm:Module xsi:type="submission_drmaa" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="reservation_python" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-comp/modules/python/"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="notification_wsn">
                                <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:ecm_gsoap.client">
                                                                <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:atc_transport_http.client"/>
                                                <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:ntf_client"/>
                        <sm:Module xsi:type="application_mapper">
                        <!--UseScratch>true</UseScratch> uncomment this if scratch is the only file system shared between the worker nodes and this machine -->
                                <LongDescription>PL Grid cluster</LongDescription>


In most cases it should be enough to change only following elements:

the hostname of the machine where the service is deployed
Transport/Module/Authentication/Module/X509CertFile and Transport/Module/Authentication/Module/X509KeyFile
the service private key and X.509 certificate. Make sure that the key and certificate is owned by the qcg-comp user. If you installed cert and key file in the recommended location you do not need to edit these fields.
the external URL of the QCG-Notification service (You can do it later, i.e. after  installing the QCG-Notification service)
the localhost URL of the QCG-Notification service (You can do it later, i.e. after  installing the QCG-Notification service)
path to the DRMAA library (the Also, if you installed the DRMAA library using provided SRC RPM you do not need to change this path.
path to the reservation module. Change this if you are using different scheduler than Maui (e.g. use for Moab, for PBS Pro)
the qcg-comp database password
set this to true if you set QCG_SCRATCH_DIR_ROOT in sysconfig so any job will be started from scratch directory (instead of default home directory)
a common name of the cluster (e.g. You can use any name that is unique among all systems (e.g. cluster name + domain name of your institution)
a human readable description of the cluster


path to the reservation module. Change this if you are using different scheduler than Maui (e.g. use for Moab)

PBS Professional

path to the reservation module. Change this


path to the reservation module. Change this to

and replace:

                         <sm:Module xsi:type="pbs_jsdl_filter"/>


   			<sm:Module xsi:type="slurm_jsdl_filter"/>

Restricting advance reservation

By default the QCG-Computing service can reserve any number of hosts. One can limit it by configuring the Maui/Moab scheduler and the QCG-Computing service properly:

  • In Maui/Moab mark some subset of nodes, using the partition mechanism, as reservable for QCG-Computing:
    # all users can use both the DEFAULT and RENABLED partition
    #in Moab you should use 0 instead DEFAULT
    #SYSCFG           PLIST=0,RENABLED
    # mark some set of the machines (e.g. 64 nodes) as reservable
  • Tell the QCG-Computing to limit reservation to the aforementioned partition by editing the /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/sysconfig/qcg-compd configuration file:
  • Moreover the QCG-Computing (since version 2.4) can enforce limits on maximal reservations duration length (default: one week) and size (measured in number of slots reserved):
                                    <MaxDuration>24</MaxDuration> <!-- 24 hours -->

Restricted node access (Torque/PBS-Professional only)

Read this section only if the system is configured in such way that not all nodes are accesible using any queue/user. In such case you should provide nodes filter expression in the sysconfig file (/opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/sysconfig/qcg-compd). Examples:

  • Provide information about nodes that was taged with qcg property
    export QCG_NODE_FILTER=properties:qcg
  • Provide information about all nodes except those tagged as gpgpu
    export QCG_NODE_FILTER=properties:~gpgpu
  • Provide information only about resources that have hp as the epoch value:
    export QCG_NODE_FILTER=resources_available.epoch:hp

In general the QCG_NODE_FILTER must adhere the following syntax:


or if you want to reverse semantic (i.e. all nodes except those matching the expression)


Configuring QCG-Accounting

Please use  QCG-Accounting agent. You must enable bat as one of the publisher plugins.

Creating applications' script space

A common case for the QCG-Computing service is that an application is accessed using abstract app name rather than specifying absolute executable path. The application name/version to executbale path mappings are stored in the file /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/application_mapfile:

cat /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/application_mapfile
# ApplicationName ApplicationVersion Executable

date * /bin/date
LPSolve 5.5 /usr/local/bin/lp_solve
QCG-OMPI /opt/QCG/qcg/share/qcg-comp/tools/cross-mpi.starter

It is also common to provide here wrapper scripts rather than target executables. The wrapper script can handle such aspects of the application lifetime like: environment initialization, copying files from/to scratch storage and application monitoring. It is recommended to create separate directory for those wrapper scripts (e.g. the application partition) for an applications and add write permission to them to the QCG Developers group. This directory must be readable by all users and from every worker node (the application partition usually fullfils those requirements).

mkdir /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts
chown :qcg-dev /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts
chmod g+rwx /opt/exp_soft/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts

More on Application Scripts.

Note on the security model

The QCG-Computing can be configured with various authentication and authorization modules. However in the typical deployment we assume that the QCG-Computing is configured as in the above example, i.e.:

  • authentication is provided on basics of httpg protocol,
  • authorization is based on the local grid-mapfile mapfile.

Starting the service

As root type:

/etc/init.d/qcg-compd start

The service logs can be found in:


The service assumes that the following commands are in the standard search path:

  • pbsnodes
  • showres
  • setres
  • releaseres
  • checknode

If any of the above commands is not installed in a standard location (e.g. /usr/bin) you may need to edit the /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/sysconfig/qcg-compd file and set the PATH variable appropriately, e.g.:

# DRM specific options
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/maui/bin

If you compiled DRMAA with logging switched on you can set there also DRMAA logging level:

# DRM specific options


Also provide the location of the root scratch directory if its accessible from the QCG-Computing machine:


export QCG_SCRATCH_DIR_ROOT="/mnt/lustre/scratch/people/"

Note: In current version, whenever you restart the PosgreSQL server you need also restart the QCG-Computing and QCG-Notification service:

/etc/init.d/qcg-compd restart
/etc/init.d/qcg-ntfd restart

Stopping the service

The service can be stopped using the following command:

/etc/init.d/qcg-compd stop

Verifying the installation

  • For convenience you can install the qcg environment module:
    cp /opt/plgrid/qcg/share/qcg-core/misc/qcg.module /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles/qcg
    module load qcg
  • Edit the QCG-Computing client configuration file (/opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/qcg-comp.xml):
    • set the Host and Port to reflects the changes in the service configuration file (qcg-compd.xml).
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                     <sm:Client xsi:type="qcg-comp" description="QCG-Computing client">
                                     <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:ecm_gsoap.client">
                                                     <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:atc_transport_gsi.client"/>
                                             <sm:Module xsi:type="smc:qcg-comp-client"/>
  • Initialize your credentials:
    grid-proxy-init -rfc
    Your identity: /O=Grid/OU=QosCosGrid/OU=PSNC/CN=Mariusz Mamonski
    Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
    Creating proxy .................................................................. Done
    Your proxy is valid until: Wed Apr  6 05:01:02 2012
  • Query the QCG-Computing service:
    qcg-comp -G | xmllint --format - # the xmllint is used only to present the result in more pleasant way
    <bes-factory:FactoryResourceAttributesDocument xmlns:bes-factory="">
        <bes-factory:CommonName>IT cluster</bes-factory:CommonName>
        <bes-factory:LongDescription>IT department cluster for public   use</bes-factory:LongDescription>
        <bes-factory:ContainedResource xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="bes-factory:BasicResourceAttributesDocumentType">
                <jsdl:CPUArchitectureName xmlns:jsdl="">x86_32</jsdl:CPUArchitectureName>
        <bes-factory:BESExtension></bes-  factory:BESExtension>
        <smcf:NotificationProviderURL xmlns:smcf="">http://localhost:2211/</smcf:NotificationProviderURL>
  • Submit a sample job:
    qcg-comp -c -J /opt/plgrid/qcg/share/qcg-comp/doc/examples/jsdl/sleep.xml
    Activity Id: ccb6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d73
  • Query it status:
    qcg-comp -s -a ccb6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d73
    status = Executing
    qcg-comp -s -a ccb6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d73
    status = Executing
    qcg-comp -s -a ccb6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d73
    status = Finished
    exit status = 0
  • Create an advance reservation:
    • copy the provided sample reservation description file (expressed in ARDL - Advance Reservation Description Language)
      cp /opt/plgrid/qcg/share/qcg-comp/doc/examples/ardl/oneslot.xml oneslot.xml
    • Edit the oneslot.xml and modify the StartTime and EndTime to dates that are in the near future,
    • Create a new reservation:
      qcg-comp -c -D oneslot.xml
      Reservation Id: aab6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d7d
    • List all reservations:
      qcg-comp -l
      Reservation Id: aab6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d7d
      Total number of reservations: 1
    • Check which hosts where reserved:
      qcg-comp -s -r aab6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d7d
      Reserved hosts:[used=0,reserved=1,total=4]
    • Delete the reservation:
      qcg-comp -t -r aab6b04a-887b-4027-633f-412375559d7d
      Reservation terminated.
    • Check if the grid-ftp is working correctly:
      globus-url-copy gsi profile
      diff /etc/profile profile


The historic usage information is stored in two relations of the QCG-Computing database: jobs_acc and reservations_acc. You can always archive old usage data to a file and delete it from the database using the psql client:

psql -h localhost qcg-comp qcg-comp 
Password for user qcg-comp: 
Welcome to psql 8.1.23, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
     \h for help with SQL commands
     \? for help with psql commands
     \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
     \q to quit

qcg-comp=> \o jobs.acc
qcg-comp=> SELECT * FROM jobs_acc where end_time < date '2010-01-10';
qcg-comp=> \o reservations.acc
qcg-comp=> SELECT * FROM reservations_acc where end_time < date '2010-01-10';
qcg-comp=> \o
qcg-comp=> DELETE FROM jobs_acc where end_time < date '2010-01-10';
qcg-comp=> DELETE FROM reservation_acc where end_time < date '2010-01-10';

you may also wish to install logrotate configuration for QCG-Computing:

yum install  qcg-comp-logrotate

Important: On any update/restart of the PostgreSQL database you must restart also the qcg-compd and qcg-ntfd services.

/etc/init.d/qcg-compd restart-all
/etc/init.d/qcg-ntfd restart

PL-Grid Grants Support

Since version 2.2.7 QCG-Computing is integrated with PL-Grid grants system. The integration with grant system has three main interaction points:

  • QCG-Computing can accept jobs which has grant id set explicitly. One must use the <jsdl:JobProject> element, e.g.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  • QCG-Computing can provide information about the local grants to the upper layers (e.g. QCG-Broker), so they can use for scheduling purpose. One can enable it by adding the following line to the QCG-Computing configuration file (qcg-compd.xml):
    <sm:Module xsi:type="sm:general_python" path="/opt/plgrid/qcg/lib/qcg-comp/modules/python/"/>

Please note that this module requires the qcg-gridmapfilegenerator to be installed.

  • The grant id is provided in resource usage record sent to the BAT accounting service

Configuring PBS DRMA submit filter

In order to enforce PL-Grid grant policy you must configure PBS DRMAA submit filter by editing the /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-comp/sysconfig/qcg-compd and adding variable pointing to the DRMAA submit filter, e.g.:

export PBSDRMAA_SUBMIT_FILTER="/software/grid/plgrid/qcg-app-scripts/app-scripts/tools/plgrid-grants/"

An example submit filter can be found in QosCosGrid svn:

svn co

More about PBS DRMAA submit filters can be found  here.


Please remember to register the QCG-Computing and QCG-Notification services in the GOCDB using the QCG.Computing and QCG.Notification services types respectively.