Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of QCG-BDII

06/06/14 14:08:10 (11 years ago)




    v1 v1  
     1= QCG-BDII = 
     3The guide describes the process of integration of QCG services with the EGI Information System - Resource BDII. 
     5The integration results in publishing information about the service in a GLUE2 complaint format through the BDII service. 
     7The basics of EGI Information Service are described at [[|link]]. 
     10In general, information about a grid service is produced by a service provider and transfered into the closest BDII (LDAP) instance (typically co-allocated with the service).This procedure is significantly simplified with the help of tools offered by EMI Resource Information Service (`emi-resource-information-service`). Consequently, the integration of new services was limited to the provisioning of a few script and configuration files. 
     13'''IMPORTANT:''' The documentation is common for all QCG services: QCG-Broker, QCG-Computing and QCG-Notifications and varies only in some points from one service to another. 
     14= Software repositories = 
     16To install QCG-BDII (BDII for one of QCG services) please configure the system with: 
     17* one of QCG repositories, containing QCG specific extensions to the EGI information system. The RPMs are availeble for SL5 and SL6. 
     18* EMI3 (Monte Bianco) repository, which is needed for the `emi-resource-information-service` metapackage, providing the EGI information system base framework. 
     19To configure aforementioned repositories please follow the instruction: [[ | QCG Software Repositories]]. 
     21= Installation = 
     23Install the proper package for the selected service: 
     25* for '''QCG-Broker''' service: 
     27yum install qcg-broker-egi-is-provider 
     31* for '''QCG-Computing''' service 
     33yum install qcg-comp-egi-is-provider 
     37* for '''QCG-Notification''' service 
     39yum install qcg-ntf-egi-is-provider 
     42All the dependency packages will be automatically installed. 
     43== Configuration == 
     44All the QCG-BDII packages need to be configured by providing the name of the BDII site, to which they intend to publish service information. 
     46Run the command 
     48qcg-info-site-config -s <site-ID> 
     50to set appropriate data. 
     52The list of available site-IDs can be found at 
     54Currently configured `site-ID` may be displayed as follows: 
     56qcg-info-site-config -d 
     60= Starting service = 
     62'''IMPORTANT:''' Before starting the QCG-BDII please ensure that the QCG service is properly configured and started. 
     64To start the QCG-BDII please run (as a root): 
     66service bdii start 
     69By default the BDII works on port 2170. 
     71== Verification == 
     72To validate correctness of the published data the glue-validator tool can be used: 
     75glue-validator -H localhost -p 2170 -b o=glue 