QCG-Now 1.2 [3 January 2019]
The refreshed version of QCG-Now has been released and it is available for download from the tool's webpage. The new version introduces a few new features, and improves the general stability of the program.
UMD 4.5.0 [8 August 2017]
New versions of QCG-Broker and QCG-Broker Client has been published as part of UMD 4.5.0. The newly released packages has been marked with version number 4.2.0 and provide a support for execution of Array Jobs and possibility to get instant information about resources with the qcg-resources command.
QCG-Now 1.0 beta [22 December 2016]
QCG-Now - a new multiplatform desktop client for QCG - is already available for testing. It may be downloaded from the product's webpage and easily installed on Windows, OS X or Linux. We encourage, especially the QCG-Icon's users, to play with a new software and give us feedback about its functionality.
QCG research in JoGC [2 November 2016]
"Development of Science Gateways Using QCG — Lessons Learned from the Deployment on Large Scale Distributed and HPC Infrastructures" - a new QCG publication for Journal of Grid Computing is already available on-line at the Springer website. See this link
QCG in SESAMENET [16 September 2016]
The QCG based interactive HPC computing has been offered to SMEs as a part of the SESAMENET initiative. See more at this link
UMD 4.2.0 [4 August 2016]
The next releases of QCG-Computing and QCG-Notification packages included in UMD 4. Now the software is available also for Centos 7.
BridgeCloud completed [1 August 2016]
The BridgeCloud project has successfully completed! The project's HPC and Cloud simulations have been supported by QCG.
QCG in COMPAT [20 October 2016]
The advanced exascale multiscale simulations need advanced solutions. QCG is going to pick up the gauntlet and support leading-edge science within the COMPAT project.
UMD 3.11.0 [16 February 2015]
The new versions of QCG-Computing and QCG-Notification services for Scientific Linux 6 were included in a fresh UMD release and they are already available in the UMD repository.
UMD 3.9.0 [10 November 2014]
UMD 3.9.0, which includes updated versions of the main QCG packages, was just released. Among others the new QCG packages provide better support for parameter sweep jobs, new resource filters and improvements in data transfers.
PLGrid Plus book [September 2014]
eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure is a new position presenting results of the PLGrid Plus project. The book is available on Springer website. Among others, the book includes publications about the QosCosGrid - see the Publications section.
QCG-Icon 1.5.0 [20 August 2014]
A new version of QCG-Icon has been released. The main improvement of the program is a support for monitoring of applications using XMPP, e-Mail and QCG-Monitoring service. A new release may be downloaded from this webpage.
UMD 3.5.0 [20 February 2014]
The next update of UMD has been released. The UMD 3.5.0 complements the current QCG family by the new versions of QCG-Broker and QCG-Client.
QCG-Monitoring [11 February 2014]
QCG users are already offered by QCG-Monitoring, a new flexible service for tracking the application execution. With help of monitoring templates, the application progress may be presented in a fully customized form, e.g. tables and charts. More information about the service can be found on the QCG-Monitoring web page.
UMD 3.4.0 [29 January 2014]
A new relase of Unified Middleware Distribution was just published by EGI. The current release includes improved versions of two core QosCosGrid services, namely: QCG-Computing-3.2.0 and QCG-Notification-3.2.0.
EGI H2020 workshop [08 December 2013]
On 4-6-th December 2013 EGI towards Horizon 2020 Workshop took place in Amsterdam. The meeting aimed to present the EGI strategy and discuss Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 with existing and new user communities, research infrastructure representatives, NGIs and EIROs, resource centres as well as technology providers. The QosCosGrid middleware, which is already an integral part of European e-Infrastructure, has been represented by Tomasz Piontek.
QCG in UMD [12 September 2013]
We can officially announce a big success of QosCosGrid that is joining to EGI Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). The UMD is a software repository for grid middleware systems and can be seen as Apple App Store or Android Market. The entering of QosCosGrid to UMD means that the system passed restrictive procedures that proved its high maturity and usefulness. Starting from now computing centers accross Europe can easily and safely deploy the QCG components on their sites.
Collaboration with Ukraine [30 August 2013]
Start of cooperation with Ukraine was signed in Memorandum of Undestanding between Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center and The Basic Coordination Centre of Ukrainian National Grid. The MoU is opportunity to promote QosCosGrid in East European countries.
QosCosGrid 3.0 [16 July 2013]
A new major release of QCG services has been just published! The 3.0 release includes many improvements that simplify the access to applications and limit the time overhead needed to run or manage jobs in a grid environment. Undoubtedly the newly applied mechanisms, e.g. simplified syntax of QCG-Client commands, enhanced data transfer rate or advanced monitoring capabilities, will allow scientists to concentrate even more on the core of the scientific work.
QCG-Icon 1.4.3 [21 June 2013]
Next version of QCG-Icon is available to download. Since the version 1.0 there were many improvements that wait to be discovered by QCG users.
QCG-Icon presented at EGI Community Forum [16 April 2013]
EGI Community Forum, held this year in Manchester, was the next opportunity to learn how the QosCosGrid stack can support new communities. At one of the booths the SSRVE application, suppporting numerical simulations in metallurgy, was presented. The application was integrated with the PL-Grid infrastructure using the QCG-Icon tool. The demonstration movie can be watched on youtube - link.
Agreement between PSNC and [1 November 2012]
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre has signed an agreement with the to integrate the QosCosGrid middleware stack into the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). QosCosGrid will extend the current capabilities of the EGI e-infrastructure by providing mechanisms for advance reservation and co-allocation of heterogeneous resources.
QCG-Broker 2.8 [5 September 2012]
After 6 months from the last release of QCG-Broker, the next version of the service has been deployed in the PL-Grid infrastructure. Main enhancements include: improved stability, improved performance, more accurate brokering algorithms and implemented support for interactive jobs.
QCG-Icon 1.0 Beta [5 September 2012]
The beta version of the lightweight desktop application enabling remote access to QosCosGrid has been already published. The 1.0 release of QCG-Icon provides many enhancements, but in its current version, may include minor bugs. All comments are welcomed as they help to improve the tool.
Cluster Inula in QCG [20 August 2012]
QosCosGrid has been extended with a cluster Inula from PSNC. Thus the QosCosGrid infrastructure offers currently access to 6 PL-Grid clusters.
QCG services update [3 August 2012]
The 2.6 release of the all QCG services is already available for download. The new version was developed with close cooperation between QCG team and various users communities, especially from the PL-Grid and MAPPER projects. Thus the many of offered enhancements is the response to reported opinions and significantly improves the practical usability of grid and cloud computing.
QCG-Broker 2.6 [3 April 2012]
The version 2.6 of the QCG-Broker service has been released and deployed in PL-GRID infrastructure. Main changes include additional form of description of jobs (a simple script with “#QCG” directives) and a set of “qcg-” commands to interact with the infrastructure. The motivation for both extensions was to simplify the process of defining as well as controlling of experiments and to make the process similar to the approach well known and used in queuing systems.
QosCosGrid 2.4 [20 December 2011]
Just before New Year, a new version of QosCosGrid has been published. We hope the extensions and improvements included in this release will importantly contribute to further development of new and existing Grid infrastructures.
The first MAPPER review [24 November 2011]
During the first review of the MAPPER project, the QosCosGrid stack has been successfully presented in the two demanding multiscale scenarios. Within the loosly-coupled scenario, QCG has been utilized to create advance reservations for the efficient workflow execution, while within the tightly-coupled one to create advance reservations and run co-allocated jobs simultaneously on several clusters.
QCG deployments across Europe [18 September 2011]
QosCosGrid stack has been already deployed on 4 production sites being part of the PL-Grid e-Infrastructure in Poland, namely Cyfronet, PSNC, WCNS and TASK. Additional two deployments has been perfomed in Munich on LRZ cluster and London on UCL cluster. Works on further deployments in other places and communities, such as EGI and PRACE, are in an advanced stage.
QosCosGrid at International Supercomputing Conference 2011, Hamburg, Germany [21 June 2011]
During the ISC'11 conference the EU funded MAPPER project has organized a joint meeting with both PRACE and EGI project representatives working together under the MAPPER Task Force. The main aim of the Task Force, established after a series of meetings over the last three months, is to enable a closer collaboration among resource providers and multi-scale application communities at the European level. Another goal is to support the execution and management of multi-scale distributed applications on example production sites. Two distributed multi-scale application scenarios have been selected as pilot jobs for the first MAPPER review, 24th November 2011. The QosCosGrid middleware together with application tools will be deployed on selected production EGI sites in Poland, Germany and UK as well as PRACE sites, SARA and CINECA
QosCosGrid in Mapper [April 2011]
It was decided to use the QosCosGrid middleware to multi-scale computations in the Mapper project. Installations of the QosCosGrid middleware at production sites in Europe, including EGI and PRACE machines, are currently being discussed.
QCG release 2.0 [16 April 2011]
We are happy to introduce a next relase of QosCosGrid. This is the first release after finishing the QosCosGrid project and takes a number 2.0.
QosCosGrid middleware deployed in PL-Grid [March - April 2011]
QosCosGrid was successfully deployed on the PL-Grid infrastructure in Poland. Currently the QCG middleware is available in Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center as well as in AGH Cyfronet in Krakow. Further deployment are planned.
QosCosGrid project page moved [March 2010]
After the end of QosCosGrid project, the old page was moved to the archive. The new page is strictly related to the QosCosGrid middleware and further QosCosGrid sollutions.