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30 | | '''QCG-Icon presented at EGI Community Forum''' ''[16 April 2013]''[[BR]] |
31 | | EGI Community Forum, held this year in Manchester, was the next opportunity to learn how the !QosCosGrid stack can support new communities. At one of the booths the [[http://www.plgrid.pl/projekty/plus/materialy_promocyjne/broszury/pliki/Broszura_Metallurgy_PLGridPlus|SSRVE]] application, suppporting numerical simulations in metallurgy, was presented. The application was integrated with the PL-Grid infrastructure using the [[http://www.qoscosgrid.org/trac/qcg-icon|QCG-Icon]] tool. The demonstration movie can be watched on youtube - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8gmCLZcKck|link]]. |
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33 | | '''Agreement between PSNC and EGI.eu''' ''[1 November 2012]'' [[BR]] |
34 | | Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre has signed [[https://documents.egi.eu/secure/ShowDocument?docid=1350|an agreement]] with the [[http://www.egi.eu/|EGI.eu]] to integrate the !QosCosGrid middleware stack into the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). !QosCosGrid will extend the current capabilities of the EGI e-infrastructure by providing mechanisms for advance reservation and co-allocation of heterogeneous resources. |