Changes between Version 159 and Version 160 of WikiStart

03/18/15 23:08:33 (10 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v159 v160  
    3434= QCG - Quality in Cloud and Grid = 
    35 The QCG middleware (previously known as !QosCosGrid) is an integrated system offering advanced job and resource management capabilities to deliver to end-users supercomputer-like performance and structure. By connecting many distributed computing resources together, QCG offers highly efficient mapping, execution and monitoring capabilities for variety of applications, such as parameter sweep, workflows, MPI or hybrid MPI-OpenMP. Thanks to !QosCosGrid, large-scale applications, multi-scale or complex computing models written in Fortran, C, C++ or Java can be automatically distributed over a network of computing resources with guaranteed QoS. The middleware provides also a set of unique features, such as advance reservation and co-allocation of distributed computing resources. 
     35The QCG middleware (previously known as !QosCosGrid) is an integrated system offering advanced job and resource management capabilities to deliver to end-users supercomputer-like performance and structure. By connecting many distributed computing resources together, QCG offers highly efficient mapping, execution and monitoring capabilities for variety of applications, such as parameter sweep, workflows, MPI or hybrid MPI-OpenMP. Thanks to QCG, large-scale applications, multi-scale or complex computing models written in Fortran, C, C++ or Java can be automatically distributed over a network of computing resources with guaranteed QoS. The middleware provides also a set of unique features, such as advance reservation and co-allocation of distributed computing resources. 
    3737== QCG Middleware == 
    38 !QosCosGrid provides: 
     38QCG provides: 
    3939* the most efficient remote access to computational resources in a single cluster or many clusters in Poland and Europe, 
    4040* automatic steering of various types of complex computing experiments ranging from multi-parameter sweep studies to cross-cluster executions of parallel applications, 
    4949* fast and reliable installation procedures. 
    51 !QosCosGrid consists of the following components: 
     51QCG consists of the following components: 
    5757|| [[components#QCG-Notification|QCG-Notification]] || Notification capabilities based on WS-Notification || [[| QCG-Notification Home Page]] || 
    5858|| [[components#QCG-Broker|QCG-Broker]] || Resource management and brokering service || [[| QCG-Broker Home Page]] || 
    59 || [[user_information|QCG-Client]] || Text-based client for !QosCosGrid || [[| QCG-Client Home Page]] || 
    60 || [[user_information|QCG-Icon]] || Lightweight desktop client for !QosCosGrid || [[| QCG-Icon Home Page]] || 
    61 || QCG-Tools || Various elements extending the !QosCosGrid stack || [[| QCG-Tools Home Page]] || 
    62 || QCG-Nagios || Nagios probes for the !QosCosGrid stack || [[| QCG-Nagios Home Page]] || 
     59|| [[user_information|QCG-Client]] || Text-based client for QCG || [[| QCG-Client Home Page]] || 
     60|| [[user_information|QCG-Icon]] || Lightweight desktop client for QCG || [[| QCG-Icon Home Page]] || 
     61|| QCG-Tools || Various elements extending the QCG stack || [[| QCG-Tools Home Page]] || 
     62|| QCG-Nagios || Nagios probes for the QCG stack || [[| QCG-Nagios Home Page]] || 
    6565=== Interoperability & standards supported === 
    66 The !QosCosGrid implementation is based on the open, widely accepted standards. In general, !QosCosGrid supports OGF DRMAA, JSDL, BES, HPC Basic Profile and OASIS WS-Notification. 
     66The QCG implementation is based on the open, widely accepted standards. In general, QCG supports OGF DRMAA, JSDL, BES, HPC Basic Profile and OASIS WS-Notification. 
    6868=== Further reading === 
    7878== Contact == 
    79 The !QosCosGrid Infrastructude middleware is developed by the team of Applications Department of [[|Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center]] 
     79The QCG Infrastructude middleware is developed by the team of Applications Department of [[|Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center]] 
    8181General questions please send to:[[BR]]