Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of benchmarks

11/24/11 08:39:00 (13 years ago)



  • benchmarks

    v89 v90  
    177 * Possibility to compare performance of the systems in the most basic, but typical scenario. 
     177* Possibility to compare performance of the systems in the most basic, but typical scenario, where notifications are not forwarded to Notification Consumers. 
    178178* The delay imposed by the notification systems as well as the network may be easily measured by comparison to the times of sending notifications between lightweight Publisher and Notification Consumer programs. 
    188188=== Test 2 - Notification Delivery with Active Subscriptions === 
    189 In this test the measured value was the time of forwarding notifications from Publisher to Notification Consumer via different systems. In contrast to the previous test, here the tested systems utilized Subscriptions and on their basis determined where to send a certain notification. The next importand difference was the move of the time measurement from Publisher to Notification Consumer. 
     189In this test the measured value was the time of forwarding notifications from Publisher to Notification Consumer via different systems. In contrast to the previous test, here the tested systems utilized Subscriptions and on their basis determined where to send a certain notification. The next importand difference was the move of the finish time measurement from Publisher to Notification Consumer. 
    191191==== Main facts ==== 
    192192* Scenario's draft: Publisher -> Notification Broker -> Notification Consumer 
    193 * Time measurement: on Notification Consumer's side (however the start time still is established by Publisher) 
     193* Time measurement: on Publisher's side (start time) and on Notification Consumer's side (finish time) 
    194194* Filtering based on: topics 
    195195* Notification dialect: Simple 
    197197* Number of notifications in one bunch: 1000 
     199==== Notes ==== 
     202* Possibility to compare performance of the systems in the typical scenario with notification forwarding to Notification Consumers. 
     203* The time is measured not only by Publisher but also by Notification Consumer which gives more precise results of processing time. 
     206* The Publisher installed only on a single machine. 
     207* The notification services in a default configuration and only marginally loaded (only several subscriptions). 
     208* WebSphere Application Server concatenates received messages if they are forwarded to the same NotificationConsumer - although in general it improves the performance, sometimes it imposes delays. 
     210==== Results ==== 
     211[[Image(test-2.png, center, width=540px)]] 
    199214=== Test 3 - Subscribing === 