| 13 | == Collaborating Projects == |
| 14 | || '''EGI'''^[#n *]^ || [[Image(logo_egi.jpg,width=195px,center)]] || EGI.eu is a foundation established under Dutch law to create and maintain a pan-European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) in collaboration with National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) and European International Research Organisations (EIROs), to guarantee the long-term availability of a generic e-infrastructure for all European research communities and their international collaborators. Its mission is to enable access to computing resources for European researchers from all fields of science, from High Energy Physics to Humanities. || [[http://www.egi.eu]] || |
| 15 | || '''PRACE'''^[#n *]^ || [[Image(logo_prace.jpg,width=195px,center)]] || The mission of the PRACE RI is to enable high impact European scientific discovery and engineering research and development across all disciplines to enhance European competitiveness for the benefit of society. The PRACE RI seeks to realize this mission through world class computing and data management resources and services open to all European public research through a peer review process. || [[http://www.prace-ri.eu]] || |
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| 17 | ^*^ Collaboration within the Task Force established between the MAPPER project and the EGI and PRACE initiatives ([[https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/MAPPER-PRACE-EGI_Task_Force_%28MTF%29|more info]]). |
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