Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of community

02/26/15 16:36:39 (10 years ago)



  • community

    v45 v46  
    88== Ongoing Projects == 
    99||= Project =||= Logo =||= Description =||= Home Page =|| 
    10 || '''PLGrid NG''' || [[Image(logo_plgridng.png,center)]] || Success of the PLGrid Plus project, in particular, the growing popularity of specialized tools and platforms prepared for the members of the first 13 strategic areas of science, led to a rapid increase in demand for related services to researchers in other fields. Therefore, the PL-Grid Consortium launched the PLGrid NG project ("New generation domain-specific services in the PL-Grid Infrastructure for Polish Science", 2014-2015), whose primary objective is to implement, within the PL-Grid Infrastructure, several dedicated computing services for groups of scientists representing 14 new research fields: Biology, Complex Networks, Computational Chemistry, eBalticGrid, Geoinformatics, Hydrology, Mathematics, Medicine, Metal Processing Technologies, Meteorology, Nuclear Power and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Open Oxides, Personalized Medicine, UNRES. || [[]] || 
     10|| '''PLGrid NG''' || [[Image(logo_PLGridNG.png,center)]] || Success of the PLGrid Plus project, in particular, the growing popularity of specialized tools and platforms prepared for the members of the first 13 strategic areas of science, led to a rapid increase in demand for related services to researchers in other fields. Therefore, the PL-Grid Consortium launched the PLGrid NG project ("New generation domain-specific services in the PL-Grid Infrastructure for Polish Science", 2014-2015), whose primary objective is to implement, within the PL-Grid Infrastructure, several dedicated computing services for groups of scientists representing 14 new research fields: Biology, Complex Networks, Computational Chemistry, eBalticGrid, Geoinformatics, Hydrology, Mathematics, Medicine, Metal Processing Technologies, Meteorology, Nuclear Power and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Open Oxides, Personalized Medicine, UNRES. || [[]] || 
    1111|| '''PL-Grid Plus''' || [[Image(logo_plgridplus.png,center)]] || The Polish Grid Infrastructure will be continuously maintained and extended: the new, 3-year project (2012-2014) has been started recently: “PLGrid Plus: Polish Roadmap toward Domain-Specific Infrastructure for Supporting Computational Science in European Research Area”. Its most important task is preparation of specific computing environments – so called domain grids – i.e., solutions, services and extended infrastructure (including software), tailored to the needs of different groups of scientists. These domain-specific solutions will be created for 13 groups of users, representing the strategic areas and important topics for the Polish and international science: !AstroGrid-PL, !HEPGrid, Nanotechnologies, Acoustics, Life Science, Chemistry and Physics, Ecology, !SynchroGrid, Energetics, Bioinformatics, Health, Materials, and Metallurgy. || [[]] || 
    1212|| '''p-Medicine''' || [[Image(logo-p-med.png)]] || 'p-medicine - From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalized medicine' is a 4-year Integrated Project co-funded under the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme aiming at developing new tools, IT infrastructure and VPH models to accelerate personalized medicine for the benefit of the patient.   || [[]] ||