Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of community

02/28/17 20:26:35 (8 years ago)



  • community

    v47 v48  
    99||= Project =||= Logo =||= Description =||= Home Page =|| 
    1010|| '''PLGrid NG''' || [[Image(logo_PLGridNG.png,center)]] || Success of the PLGrid Plus project, in particular, the growing popularity of specialized tools and platforms prepared for the members of the first 13 strategic areas of science, led to a rapid increase in demand for related services to researchers in other fields. Therefore, the PL-Grid Consortium launched the PLGrid NG project ("New generation domain-specific services in the PL-Grid Infrastructure for Polish Science", 2014-2015), whose primary objective is to implement, within the PL-Grid Infrastructure, several dedicated computing services for groups of scientists representing 14 new research fields: Biology, Complex Networks, Computational Chemistry, eBalticGrid, Geoinformatics, Hydrology, Mathematics, Medicine, Metal Processing Technologies, Meteorology, Nuclear Power and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Open Oxides, Personalized Medicine, UNRES. || [[]] || 
    11 || '''PL-Grid Plus''' || [[Image(logo_plgridplus.png,center)]] || The Polish Grid Infrastructure will be continuously maintained and extended: the new, 3-year project (2012-2014) has been started recently: “PLGrid Plus: Polish Roadmap toward Domain-Specific Infrastructure for Supporting Computational Science in European Research Area”. Its most important task is preparation of specific computing environments – so called domain grids – i.e., solutions, services and extended infrastructure (including software), tailored to the needs of different groups of scientists. These domain-specific solutions will be created for 13 groups of users, representing the strategic areas and important topics for the Polish and international science: !AstroGrid-PL, !HEPGrid, Nanotechnologies, Acoustics, Life Science, Chemistry and Physics, Ecology, !SynchroGrid, Energetics, Bioinformatics, Health, Materials, and Metallurgy. || [[]] || 
    12 || '''p-Medicine''' || [[Image(logo-p-med.png)]] || 'p-medicine - From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalized medicine' is a 4-year Integrated Project co-funded under the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme aiming at developing new tools, IT infrastructure and VPH models to accelerate personalized medicine for the benefit of the patient.   || [[]] || 
    13 || '''AirPROM''' || [[Image(logo-airprom.png)]] || AirPROM stands for ‘Airway Disease Predicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling’. This is the technical name for the 5 year European-wide project (2011-2015), which aims to produce computer and physical models of the whole airway system for people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). || [[]] || 
    1411== Collaborating Projects == 
    1512||= Project =||= Logo =||= Description =||= Home Page =|| 
    2219== Finished Projects== 
    2320||= Project =||= Logo =||= Description =||= Home Page =|| 
     21|| '''PLGrid NG''' || [[Image(logo_PLGridNG.png,center)]] || Success of the PLGrid Plus project, in particular, the growing popularity of specialized tools and platforms prepared for the members of the first 13 strategic areas of science, led to a rapid increase in demand for related services to researchers in other fields. Therefore, the PL-Grid Consortium launched the PLGrid NG project ("New generation domain-specific services in the PL-Grid Infrastructure for Polish Science", 2014-2015), whose primary objective is to implement, within the PL-Grid Infrastructure, several dedicated computing services for groups of scientists representing 14 new research fields: Biology, Complex Networks, Computational Chemistry, eBalticGrid, Geoinformatics, Hydrology, Mathematics, Medicine, Metal Processing Technologies, Meteorology, Nuclear Power and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Open Oxides, Personalized Medicine, UNRES. || [[]] || 
     22|| '''PL-Grid Plus''' || [[Image(logo_plgridplus.png,center)]] || The Polish Grid Infrastructure will be continuously maintained and extended: the new, 3-year project (2012-2014) has been started recently: “PLGrid Plus: Polish Roadmap toward Domain-Specific Infrastructure for Supporting Computational Science in European Research Area”. Its most important task is preparation of specific computing environments – so called domain grids – i.e., solutions, services and extended infrastructure (including software), tailored to the needs of different groups of scientists. These domain-specific solutions will be created for 13 groups of users, representing the strategic areas and important topics for the Polish and international science: !AstroGrid-PL, !HEPGrid, Nanotechnologies, Acoustics, Life Science, Chemistry and Physics, Ecology, !SynchroGrid, Energetics, Bioinformatics, Health, Materials, and Metallurgy. || [[]] || 
     23|| '''p-Medicine''' || [[Image(logo-p-med.png)]] || 'p-medicine - From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalized medicine' is a 4-year Integrated Project co-funded under the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme aiming at developing new tools, IT infrastructure and VPH models to accelerate personalized medicine for the benefit of the patient.   || [[]] || 
     24|| '''AirPROM''' || [[Image(logo-airprom.png)]] || AirPROM stands for ‘Airway Disease Predicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling’. This is the technical name for the 5 year European-wide project (2011-2015), which aims to produce computer and physical models of the whole airway system for people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). || [[]] || 
    2425|| '''MAPPER''' || [[Image(logo_mapper.png)]] || The MAPPER project will respond to the critical need by developing computational strategies, software and services for distributed multiscale simulations across disciplines, exploiting existing and evolving European e-Infrastructure. This project is driven by the computational needs of seven exemplary multiscale problems from a variety of disciplines including Systems Biology, Fusion, Physiology, Engineering, and nano-Material Science.  || [[]] || 
    2526|| '''PL-Grid''' || [[Image(logo_plgrid.png,center)]] || The goal of the project is to provide the Polish scientific community with an IT platform based on Grid computer clusters, enabling e-science research in various fields. The created infrastructure is both compatible and interoperable with existing European and worldwide Grid frameworks. The system ensures scalability and enables the integration of additional local clusters, belonging to universities, research institutions and technology platforms. We foresee exploitation of PL-Grid by state authorities, crisis management teams and industrial partners. || [[]] ||