Version 44 (modified by mmamonski, 12 years ago) (diff)


Which [components] do you need to install in order to have QosCosGrid? stack operational? It depends if you ...

  • ... want to provide your resources to EGI and MAPPER communities: install QCG-Computing/QCG-Notification tandem on your cluster frontend, register it in GOCDB (if you are part of EGI) and let us know (
  • ... want to build own organization level grid infrastructure stitching a few local clusters: install QCG-Computing/QCG-Notification on each of them and deploy single instance of QCG-Broker
  • ... want to use only  QCG-Icon for accessing application deployed on your local premises: its enough to install just QCG-Computing

Installation from RPMs (Scientific Linux 5/6)

Follow attached links if you are interested in installing QosCosGrid middleware on ScientificLinux?/CentOS/RHEL:

 QCG-Computing installation using RPMs
 QCG-Notification installation using RPMs
 QCG-Broker installation using RPM
 QCG-Broker Client installation using RPM

Installation from DEBs (Debian)

Follow attached links if you are interested in installing QosCosGrid middleware on Debian:

 QCG-Computing installation using DEBs
 QCG-Notification installation using DEBS

Installation from sources

Follow attached links if you are interested in installing QosCosGrid middleware from source packgages:

 QCG-Computing installation guide
 QCG-Notification installation guide
 QCG-Broker installation guide
 QCG-Broker Client installation guide