47 | | For more information see [[components|Components and Architecture]] section. |
48 | | |
49 | | == End-user Information == |
50 | | The demanding nature of scientific simulations requires a new e-Infrastructure that is able to simultaneously manage heterogeneous resources, such as computing resources, storage and network to guarantee the level of Quality of Service |
51 | | (QoS) required by end-users for their applications, especially a large number of legacy applications designed to run in parallel. Addressing the need of end-users to run large scale complex simulations we have built a system capable to bring supercomputer-like performance for advanced applications, including sophisticated parameter sweep experiments, |
52 | | workflows, and more importantly cross-cluster parallel computations. For high-level end-users we provide a QCG Science Gateways, the components offering an easy access to concrete applications. If you are interested in using !QosCosGrid as a user see [[user_information|End-user Information]]. |
53 | | |
54 | | == Application Developer Information == |
55 | | !QosCosGrid provides a consistent environment for creating and deploying Grid applications. Developers of new software should look at the [[developer_information|Application Developer]] section to get detailed information about !QosCosGrid sollutions simplifying Grid application implementation and deployment. |
56 | | == Interoperability & standards supported == |
57 | | The !QosCosGrid implementation is based on the open, widely accepted standards. In general, !QosCosGrid supports OGF DRMAA, JSDL, BES, HPC Profile and OASIS WS-Notification. |
| 47 | For more information see the following sections: |
| 48 | * [[components|Components and Architecture]] |
| 49 | * [[user_information|End-user Information]] |
| 50 | * [[developer_information|Application Developer]] |